contiguouslyadv. 連續地;接觸地
contiguously 連續;接觸地;接觸;
1.These protocols do not support discontiguous addressing, which make some addresses unusable if they are not assigned contiguously. 這些協議不支持不連續的尋址,那樣會造成一些地址不可用因為他們不是連續分配的。
2.Mr Yang, however, united the panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in the west to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll. 象楊和岳先生那樣,西自白帝城,東至葛洲壩,將瞿塘峽,巫峽,西陵峽的三峽全貌,洋洋灑灑的盡收於一紙畫卷,實屬少見。
3.I enlarge my knowledge about other subjects while working hard at my major. I contiguously extend my horizon and improve the structure of the knowledge. 努力學好本專業的同時積極涉獵其他學科,不斷拓展視野,完善自己的知識結構;