contingent 隊伍;可能發生的;或有的,偶然的,意外的;分遣隊;contingent debt 待確定債務;或有債權;美國政府保證債券;臨時保證債務;contingent profit 或有利潤;或有利益;contingent rents 隨機租金;contingent duty 應變關稅;應變關稅,應變稅;
1." Depending on the economic essence and speciality, the standpoint of "contingent stockholder"s equity" may be the best affirmance of ESO. 從其經濟實質和特性出發,「或有股東權益」的觀點是對經理人股票期權最合適的確認。
2.In the meantime all the signs indicate that an inland open city officials are contingent Bo "pilot" taking shape. 其間種種跡象表明,該市一支內陸開放型官員隊伍正在薄熙來「領航」下逐步形成。
3.The company has perfect administration systems, have strong ability to organize; Technological quality is high; Manage the experienced contingent of cadres. 公司具有完善的行政管理體系,擁有組織能力強、技術素質高、管理經驗豐富的幹部隊伍。
4.A large contingent from Japan was present at the conference. 來自日本的一個大代表團出席了會議。
5.Stability of Iraq is contingent upon a domestic pact among Iraqis. 如果伊拉克人達成內部協定,穩定是可能的。