TDML 遙控測斜儀傾角測井圖;
1.Templates for stamping die and sofa design are implemented as examples to verify the effectiveness of TDML in collaborative design. 最後以冷沖模與沙發為實例,驗證了TDML在協同模板可視化設計系統中的有效性。
2.In this paper, the description of time expressions, the definition of temporal patterns and temporal association rules, and the description of the temporal data mining language(TDML) are presented. 然後提出有關時態模式和時態關聯規則的若干定義;最後討論時態數據挖掘語言(TDML)的描述並給出一個實例。
3.In this paper, the description of time expressions, the definition of temporal patterns and temporal association rules, and the description of the temporal data mining language(TDML) are presented. 首先簡要討論時間表達式的描述;然後提出有關時態模式和時態關聯規則的若干定義;最後討論時態數據挖掘語言(TDML)的描述並給出一個實例。