TEA[ti:]n. 茶葉;茶樹;茶點vt. 給…沏茶vi. 喝茶;進茶點
TEA 三乙胺;茶葉;轉移電子放大器;紅茶;lemon tea 檸檬茶;檬檸茶;我愛台妹炸雞排;香檸雜果 花茶;tea party 茶會;茶話會;茶黨;茶葉黨;beef tea 牛肉茶;清燉牛肉茶;牛肉汁;牛肉濃湯;milk tea 奶茶;福山雅治;美麗花朵;大白貓;
1.They sell eggs for tea and salt. 他們把雞蛋賣掉換茶葉和鹽。
2.Would you like some tea or beer? 請問您,先喝點茶還是啤酒呢?
3.Would you like another cup of tea? 問對方是否還想再喝一杯茶?
OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee? - 好的,請坐。你想喝點什麼,中國茶還是咖啡?
We have Coca, and red tea etc. - 我們有可口可樂,還有紅茶等。
Shall we have a chat in the sitting room over the tea for a while? - 我們在客廳呆一會兒,喝茶聊天好嗎?
Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink, Rita Mae? - 要咖啡、 茶或者冷飲嗎 ,Rita Mae?
I have tea with y colleagues in the afternoon. - 下午我和同事喝茶。
Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it's good for your health; so what are you going to do? - 茶喝多了會把你的牙齒染黃,但對你的身體去有好處。因此你會怎麼辦?
There's nothing like a cup of tea when you're thirsty. - 當你口渴時,沒有什麼東西比一杯茶更好了。
I prefer tea to coffee. - 和咖啡相比,我更喜歡茶。
This kind of box is not suitable for the transport of the tea sets by sea. - 這種箱子不適合裝茶具海運。
He drinks a lot of tea every day. - 他每天都喝很多茶。
In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends.They often drink tea together. - 下午,她總是會見她的朋友。她們經常在一起喝茶。
It is four o'clock.In the afternoon, Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. - 現在是4點鐘,下午,索耶夫人通常是在客廳裡喝茶,但今天下午,她正在花園裡喝茶。
I must go to the grocer's.We haven't got much tea or coffee, and we haven't got any sugar or jam. - 我得去一下食品店。我們的茶葉和咖啡不多了,糖和果醬也沒有了。
Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter? - 彼得,你現在能進來喝茶嗎?
Well, I'll have tea by myself. - 好吧,我一個喝茶了。
sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia. - 「卡蒂薩克」號之類的帆船被用來從中國運回茶葉,從澳大利亞運回羊毛。
Oh no!I'd like Chinese tea with nothing in it,please. - 不了!我愛喝什麼也不加的中國茶。
Which would you like, tea or milk? - 你喜歡哪樣,茶還是牛奶?
I'll get you some tea now. - 我這就給你們端茶水來。
It was used for keeping tea hot after it was made,said Wei Hua. It was filled with hot water. - 「那是在茶沏好後用來保溫的,」魏華說,「用來裝熱開水的。」
I Know. That's a good idea! said Ann. But in England we still make tea in teapots. - 「明白了。是個好主意!」安說,「但是在英國我們仍用茶壺泡茶。」
The group of girls all moved on and had a good drink of tea together, from a modern thermos! - 這一群女孩一塊兒去享受了一番茶水。她們用得是現代的熱水瓶!
Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk? - 你想來點什麼,一杯茶還是一杯牛奶?
a tea taster - 品茶員
tea catechin; teacatechin - 茶兒茶精
tea; tea leaf - 茶葉
tea cup - 茶杯
n. coloring with tea solution - 茶染色
camellia oil; tea oil; tea-seed oil - 茶油
n. coloring with tea solution - 茶溶液顏色
n.品茶員 - a tea taster
n.牛肉湯 - beeg tea
紅茶 - black tea
n.酥油茶 - buttered tea
n.綠茶 - green tea
n.涼茶,湯藥 - herb tea
n.茶劑 - medicinal tea
n.巴拉圭茶 - paraguay tea
n.花茶 - scented tea
n.山臘梅茶 - wintersweet tea