throughfalln. 淨降水量,貫穿降水量
throughfall 淨降水量;貫穿降水量;貫穿降水量淨降水量;淨降水量,淨降水量;
1.The results show that coniferous forests throughfall trends toward further acidified, while broad-leaved forests can alleviate the acidification effect. 結果表明:針葉林穿透水有進一步酸化趨勢,而闊葉林可以減緩酸化作用。
2.The negative net throughfall fluxes of some elements resulted from the longer rainfall duration, the smaller rainfall and the extreme values of interception losses in the studied period. 降雨持續時間長、降雨量小及較高的林冠截留量可能是造成林地淨輸入量為負值的原因。
3.Rainfall intensity also had an effect on rainfall redistribution. As rainfall intensity increased, throughfall percentage of gross rainfall increased and interception percentage decreased. 同時,降雨強度也影響林冠的水文效應,隨著降雨強度的增加,穿透雨率升高,截留率下降。