backfill['bækfil]vt. 回填;裝填n. 回填;用來填滿坑穴的泥土或其他東西
backfill 回填;回填土;回填料;充填;tamped backfill 夯實回填土;夯堅同土;回填土夯實;夯實回填土 房屋地政;backfill concrete 回填混凝土;backfill materials 回填材料;active backfill 都具有主動回填構造;
1.The squeezed transportation pump is specialized equipment used for transporting fill in backfill mining. 充填料擠壓輸送泵是一種用於礦山充填的專用設備。
2.Roof-contacted filling and dehydration in stope are two critical problems in mines in which backfill mining method was used. 充填接頂和采場脫水是應用充填採礦法的礦山急需解決的兩個技術問題。
3.This paper introduces the application of the backfill grouting technique to block up the branch tunnel, the corresponding technology, technique request and result evaluation are given. 文章介紹了回填灌漿技術在支洞封堵中的應用,支洞回填灌漿的施工工藝、技術要求以及效果評價。