





r. for certain ,for sure ,sure as shooting ,sure enougha. certain ,indisputable ,trusted


a. incertain ,uncertain ,unsure


sure[ʃuə, ʃɔ:]adj. 確信的;可靠的;必定的adv. 當然;的確


Sure 當然!;的確;確信無疑;確定;make sure 查明;務必;查明,務必要做到;確定;sure event 必然事件;for sure 確實,毫無疑問地;肯定,一定;確實;確實如此,毫無疑問;be sure 確信的,有把握的;確信;肯定;保證;


1.Sure remember not to go into the basement. 千萬記住別走進地下室。

2.Sure. What can I do for you? 當然可以。我能為你做些什麼?

3.Sure. What can I do for you? 當然可以,可以為你做什麼呢?


Are you sure you are dialing the right number? - 你確定你打的號碼是對的嗎?

Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park. - 很好,要定那個可以看到公園美麗景色的房間。

I am sure you would like to know more about it. - 我相信您一定想知道詳情。

I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. - 這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。

Yes, I'm sure I can. - 是的,當然可以。

I'm sure everyone will be very happy with these gifts. - 相信他們一定會喜歡這些禮物的。

Yes, Tom sure knows how to throw a party. - 是的,湯姆的確是搞派對的能手。

Make sure everybody is at that meeting. - 要確定每一位都出席這次會議。

I'm sure I did. - 我確信我安排了什麼事。

She sure keeps busy. - 她真的是忙個不停。

So I'm sure to get opportunities to display my talent in advertisement. - 所以我相信有機會發揮我的廣告才能。

Are you sure you know where you're going? - 你真認識你要去的地方嗎?

I could sure use a drink. - 我真得來一杯。

Are you sure about that? - 你真的這麼想嗎?

But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train. - 不過我相信他在火車上還有幾件行李的。

I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs. Tobin. - 我相信是在你的皮包 Tobin太太。

but I'm not sure I want to be alone. - 但我不知道我是否想一個人生活。

Please check to be sure you have your belongings. - 請記得帶您的行李。

I sure do. It was fun. - 當然。當時真有意思。

I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa. - 您來這裡我真高興, 爺爺。

I sure do.... - 我當然記得……

I'm sure they'll find the owner. - 我相信他們會找到狗的主人。

We want to be sure that you're responsible - 我們要確定你是肯負責的,

I'm sure there's one for you. - 我相信會有你喜歡的。

She sure does. - 她的確如此。

Carl, you're sure you've never played? - Carl,你肯定你從來沒玩過嗎?

I sure I am glad to see you, Dr. Stewart. - 真高興見到你來 ,Stewart大夫。

I'm just not sure about what I want to do. - 我不知道該讀什麼?

Well, we're not sure we can afford one. - 嗯 我們還不知道是不是負擔得起。

She sure was. - 她小時候很逗人喜愛。

Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office. - 九點零七分 ,不會太早的。我肯定他到辦公室了。

I'm not sure I'm up to it. - 我不能肯定我是否能做得來。

I'm sure Robbie has them. - 我確定在Robbie那裡。

I'm sure he misses Grandma on a day like this. - 我想在這樣的日子祖父一定會思念祖母。

If I've ever been sure of anything, I'm sure of this; your team is going to lose the same game on Saturday. - 這一次我十分肯定:你們隊星期六的比賽會輸。

If you could just see it from our point of view, I'm sure you'd agree with me. - 如果你能從我們的立場看這一點的話,我相信你會認同我的。

When you arrive, be sure to register with you consulate. - 你到達時,記得去領事館登記。

I'm sure the store has others. - 我相信那家店一定還有其它的尺寸。

Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. - 喔, 當然會。但首先告訴我是什麼樣的工作, Harry。

But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York, - 但我不能確定我真想離開紐約,

and he's pretty sure that I can get a good job there. - 他相當肯定我可以在那兒弄到一份好工作。

I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. - 我不是真的很確定我想成為一條大池裡的小魚。

I'm sure Rita Mae will understand - 我相信Rita Mae會理解的

She sure got here quickly. - 她來得真快。

I sure do. - 我當然記得。

Oh, sure I do. Hi, Abe. - 噢,我當然記得。嗨, Abe。

It's OK. I'm sure they meant well, - 沒有關 。我敢說他們有心幫忙

and make sure that it is in good condition - 確定它狀 良好

You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised? - 你確定Alexandra會很驚訝嗎?

Oh, I sure do. - 哦,我當然記得。

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