And I heard a voice out of heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder 我聽見從天上有聲音,像眾水的聲音,又像大雷的聲音,並且我所聽見的,好像彈琴的所彈的琴聲。;and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day 於是撒母耳呼求耶和華,耶和華就在那日打雷降雨,眾民便甚懼怕耶和華和撒母耳。;The thunder roared and the lightning flashed 電閃雷鳴;thunder-and-lightning 鮮艷奪目的;Even when the thunder and storm begins 即使電閃雷鳴,風暴四起;即使電閃雷鳴,風暴四起;就算電閃雷鳴風暴即將到來的時候;即使暴風雨來臨;
1.Some thunder and lightning parameters such as time, position, intensity, polarity of thunder strike could be obtained quickly by this system. 通過系統可實時獲得雷擊的時間、位置、強度、極性、雷電流等雷電參數。
2.The Spurs have arguably the easiest remaining schedule in the West, with games against the Clippers, Thunder, Pacers, Thunder again, Kings and Warriors in hand. 在西部餘下的賽程裡馬刺是最輕鬆的,分別對陣快船,雷霆,步行者,再次雷霆、國王、勇士。
3.Then the angel took the censer and filled it with burning coals from the altar, and threw them on the earth: and there came thunder, lightning and earthquakes. 此後,那位天使提起香爐,盛滿了祭壇上的火,拋到地上,遂發生了雷霆、響聲、閃電和地動。
4.As a child, she had been afraid of all storms, gales and thunder and cloudbursts drumming on the roof, and her mother had understood, wrapped her in a blanket and taken her into her own bed. 小時候,她就害怕暴雨,颶風,打雷和敲擊屋頂的傾盆大雨。她母親知道這一點,就用毯子把她裹起來,放在自己床上。
5.And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the voice which I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps. 我聽見從天上有聲音,像眾水的聲音,和大雷的聲音。並且我所聽見的好像彈琴的所彈的琴聲。