Wartburgn. 瓦特堡(城堡名);瓦爾特堡牌汽車(德國汽車名)
Wartburg 瓦特堡;瓦爾特堡牌汽車;瓦爾特堡牌汽車(德);瓦爾特堡;Wartburg College 沃特堡學院;Wartburg Castle 瓦特堡城堡;瓦爾特堡;Wartburg-Stadt Eisenach 瓦特堡城埃森納赫;Walter Von Wartburg 瓦特布爾;
1.A copy of the Bible translated from Greek to German by religious reformer Martin Luther in 1521 lies open to the New Testament in a dimly lit room in Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Germany. 一本聖經的翻譯從希臘人到德國人被宗教的改革家馬丁?路德在1521年展現朝向新約全書聖經在微暗變亮的房間位於瓦特堡城堡在埃森納,德國。
2.A copy of the Bible translated from Greek to German by religious reformer Martin Luther in 1521 lies open to the New Testament in a dimly lit room in Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Germany. 宗教改革家馬丁·路德在1521年將聖經由希臘語翻譯成德語。在德國的愛森納赫市的瓦爾特城堡中,一間有昏暗光線的屋子裡,這份馬丁·路德翻譯的聖經副本展開到了《新約聖經》那頁。
3.Amos A copy of the Bible translated from Greek to German by religious reformer Martin Luther in 1521 lies open to the New Testament in a dimly lit room in Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, Germany. 一本聖經的翻譯從希臘人到德國人被宗教的改革家馬丁