n. disorderliness ,upsetv. cark ,disarray ,disquiet ,distract
n. order ,orderlinessv. order
disorder[dis'ɔ:də]n. 混亂;騷亂vt. 使失調;擾亂
disorder 無序狀態;無序;不良;混亂;personality disorder 人格障礙;人格障礙﹔人格失常;個性障礙;人格異常;adjustment disorder 調適性疾患;適應障礙;適應性疾病;適應障礙;Metabolic disorder 代謝失調;代謝障礙;代謝異常;代謝紊亂;bipolar disorder 雙相型障礙;兩極型異常;雙相障礙;躁鬱症;
1.The room was disordered when they arrived at the scene of the burglary. 當他們到達夜盜現場時房間被弄得亂七八糟。
2.What is Sleep disorder? 什麼是睡眠紊亂?
3.Heart disease: Any disorder of the heart. 心臟病:心臟的異常或失調。
blood trouble; disorder of blood - 傷血
blood coagulation disorder in obstetrics - 產科凝血障礙
disorder of immune mechanism - 免疫機制紊亂
disorder of olfactory nerve - 嗅神經障礙
eye disorder due to malmutrition in children - 小兒疳眼
disorder of the small intestine - 小腸病
disorder of consciousness; disturbance of consciousness - 意識障礙
recurrent convulsion due to disorder of the liver - 慢肝驚風
disorder of vegetative nervous function - 植物神經失調
syncope resulting from disorder of qi - 氣厥
hicup caused by disorder of qi - 氣呃
cough due to disorder of qi - 氣嗽
disorder of functional activities of qi; disorder of qi; disturbance of visceral function - 氣機不利
atranguria carsed by disorder of qi; qi stranguria; stranguria caused by disorder of qi - 氣淋
pain due to disorder of qi - 氣痛
diarrhea due to disorder of qi - 氣痢
physocele; pneumatocele; pneumocele; tumor due to disorder of qi - 氣瘤
dysruia caused by disorder of vital energy - 氣癃
constipation due to disorder of qi - 氣秘
aerocele; edema due to disorder of qi; edema due to disorder of the vital energy; emphysema - 氣腫
disorder of amino acid transport - 氨基酸運輸障礙
disorder of amino acid metabolism - 氨基酸代謝紊亂
disorder of amino acid catabolism - 氨基酸分解代謝障礙
mental disorder due to heat - 熱傷神明
disorder of thyrocalcetonin secretion - 甲狀腺降鈣素分泌障礙
mental disorder due to stagnation of phlegm; stagnation of phlegm in the interior - 痰閉
all diseases result from disorder of qi - 百病皆生於氣
disorder of mineral metabolism - 礦物質代謝紊亂
disorder of liver-energy - 肝氣不和
disorder of the liver-qi - 肝氣不舒
headahe due to disorder of the kidney - 腎厥頭痛
disorder of the kidney - 腎失調
disorder if the stomach-qi; disorder of the stomach-qi; the upset stomacg - 胃氣不和
disorder of cholesterol metabolism - 膽甾醇代謝失調
disorder of the gallbladder - 膽病
disorder of verbal communication - 言語會紊亂
the lung disorder caused by lochioschesie - 敗血沖肺
the disorder of qi and blood should be readjusted - 逸者行之
disorder fo copper metabolim - 銅代謝紊亂
an excess of yin leads to disorder of yang - 陰勝則陽病
酸鹼平衡紊亂 - acid-base disorder
n.急性精神障礙 - acute mental disorder
適應障害 - adjustment disorder
n.情感障礙 - affective disorder
n.變應性紊亂 - allergic disorder
n.百病皆生於氣 - all diseases result from disorder of qi
n.陰勝則陽病 - an excess of yin leads to disorder of yang
分節發音障礙,發音異常 - articulation disorder
n.無力性人格障礙 - asthenic personality disorder
n.氣淋 - atranguria carsed by disorder of qi
注意力不集中症,注意缺陷異常 - attention deficit disorder
聽力障礙 - auditory disorder
n.行為失常,行為障礙 - behavior disorder
行為異常 - behavioral disorder
凝血障礙 - blood coagulation disorder
n.產科凝血障礙 - blood coagulation disorder in obstetrics
血小板異常 - blood platelet disorder
血液蛋白障礙 - blood protein disorder
臨界型人格障礙 - borderline personality disorder
鈣代謝障礙 - calcium metabolism disorder
n.大腦功能暫紊亂 - cerebral temporary disorder
腦血管障礙 - cerebrovascular disorder
頸肩腕紊亂 - cervicobrachial disorder
n.人格失常 - character disorder
小兒行動障礙 - child behavior disorder
n.凝固障礙 - coagulation disorder
認知障礙 - cognition disorder
語言障礙 - communicative disorder
先天性血液凝固因子異常 - congenital blood coagulation factor disorder
結締組織疾病 - connective tissue disorder
n.氣秘 - constipation due to disorder of qi
n.驚厥性疾患 - convulsive disorder
n.氣嗽 - cough due to disorder of qi
關節變性病,退行性關節障礙 - degenerative joint disorder
吞嚥紊亂 - deglutition disorder
n.氣痢 - diarrhea due to disorder of qi
椎間板障礙 - disk disorder
n.分離性障礙 - dissociative disorder
n.肝脹 - distension due to the liver disorder
n.氣腫 - edema due to disorder of qi
n.氣腫 - edema due to disorder of the vital energy
n.氣癃 - dysruia caused by disorder of vital energy
攝食障礙 - eating disorder
情緒障礙 - emotional disorder
n.情感不穩性疾患 - emotionally unstable character disorder
內分泌紊亂 - endocrine disorder
骨骺閉合障礙 - epiphysis closure disorder
骨骺形成障礙 - epiphysis formation disorder
n.暴發性人格障得 - explosive personality disorder
n.小兒疳眼 - eye disorder due to malmutrition in children