impairs[im'pεə]vt. 損害;削弱;減少
impairs 損害,損傷;削弱;excessive fire impairs metal 釋義:火盛刑金;wood-fire impairs metal 釋義:木生火;wood-fire impairs the metal 木火刑金;
1.Paradoxical stripping of clothes as cold impairs thermoregulation center of brain. 亂脫衣服(因為大腦的體溫調節系統被寒冷削弱)。
2.In addition, alumina is the origin of fatigue crack and thus impairs the fatigue property of bearing steels, rail steels and wheel steels. 另外,氧化鋁還是疲勞裂紋的形核核心,致使軸承鋼、鋼軌鋼和車輪鋼的疲勞抗力降低。
3.It already was not some local or some national phenomenon, but was one kind of universal existence, which severely impairs humanity health disease. 它已不是某個地區或某個國家的現象,而是一種普遍存在的嚴重危害人類健康的疾病。
Protracted use of eyes impairs the blood - 久視傷血
great fright impairs the kidney energy - 恐傷腎
wood-fire impairs metal - 木火刑金
exessive fire impairs metal - 火盛刑金
n.火盛刑金 - exessive fire impairs metal
n.恐傷腎 - great fright impairs the kidney energy
n.久視傷血 - Protracted use of eyes impairs the blood
n.木火刑金 - wood-fire impairs metal