v. commune ,convey ,intercommunicate ,pass
v. curse ,excommunicate ,unchurch
communicate[kə'mju:nikeit]vi. 通訊,傳達;相通;感染vt. 傳達;感染;顯露
communicate 通信;溝通;多溝通;交流;Communicate Progress 過程溝通;溝通專案進度;溝通項目進度;communicate andculture 通信和文化;Communicate requirements 傳遞需求;CMD CoMmuniCaTe 傳達,傳播,互通,聯繫;
1.Shool children often communicate colds to each other. 學校的孩子們常常互相傳染感冒。
2.The natives here communicate with us through gestures. 這裡的原住民用手勢和我們溝通。
3.Every module should communicate with as few others as possible. 每個模塊應該盡可能少的與其它模塊溝通。
I can communicate with foreigners easily. - 我能輕鬆地和外國人溝通。
We have to communicate with them more by sending lobbyists. - 我們必須通過派遣更多的公關人員。
We communicate with each other by letter. - 我們用書信彼此聯繫。
They had no way to communicate directly with Kurt. - 他們無法和庫爾特直接聯繫。
Of course, Leon Bagrit could not possibly have foreseen the development of the Internet, the worldwide system that enables us to communicate instantly with anyone in any part of the world by using computers linked to telephone networks. - 當然了,萊昂。巴格瑞特根本沒有可能預測到國際交互網——就是把計算機連結到電話線路上,以便和世界上任何一個地方的人立即進行聯繫的一個世界範圍的通訊系統——的發展。
As Earth-dwellers, we always cherish the hope that we will be visited by little green men and that we will be able to communicate with them. - 小綠人來拜訪我們,而我們可以和他們交流。
Fortunately, there is a 'uniquely rational way' for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, - 幸運的是,有一種我們可以和其他智力生命通迅聯繫的"唯一合理的方法",
He speaks little Chinese, so it's difficult to communicate with him. - 他只能講一點漢語,所以和他交流很難。
Among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the language they use to communicate with each other. - 在這些不同種類的蜂中,因為蜜蜂能用"語言相互傳遞信息,科學家們對它們最感興趣。
Professor Karl von Frisch, an Austrian scientist, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey bees communicate in their dark hives. - 卡爾·馮·弗裡施教授,一位澳大利亞科學家,一生中花了許多年的時間來研究蜜蜂在暗巢裡互傳信息的有趣方法。
It seemed that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to other bees in its hive. - 似乎一隻蜜蜂能夠把食物的信息傳遞給蜂箱裡的其他蜜蜂。
The circle dance seemed to communicate news of food. - 圓圈舞蹈好像是傳遞食物信息。