





pigment['piɡmənt]n. 色素;顏料vt. 給…著色vi. 呈現顏色


pigment 顏料;色素;顏料、色素;甘樹脂;bile pigment 膽色素;膽汁色素;釋義:膽汁色素;膽<汁>色素;age pigment 老年色素;老年斑;fluorescent pigment 螢光顏料;螢光顏料;中文:螢光顏料;光顏料;inorganic pigment 無機顏料;礦物性顏料;


1.a poor quality of paper that doesn't pigment well 呈現顏色差的劣質紙[亦作 pigmentize]

2.The pigment absorbs the radiation and protects cells from damage. 黑色素可以吸收輻射,保護你的細胞不受損傷。

3.In order to maintain good fluidity, pigment and for affinity should be good. 為了保持好的流動性,顏料與連接料應具有良好的親和力。


anterior pigment layer - 前色素層

pigment cell of skin - 皮膚色素細胞

linea crneae senilis; stahlis pigment line - 老年性角膜線

bile pigment calculus; bile pigmental stone - 膽色素石

bile pigment granules - 膽色素顆粒

chromatophore of choroid; pigment cell of choroid - 脈絡膜色素細胞

pigment epithelium; pigmentary epithelium; pigmented epithelium - 色素上皮

pigment epithelial layer - 色素上皮層

pigment epitheliopathy - 色素上皮病變

pigment epithelial cell - 色素上皮細胞

pigment anomaly - 色素異常

pigment diffusion - 色素擴散

pigment stone - 色素石

pigment granules - 色素粒

chromatophore; chromocyte; pigment cell - 色素細胞

pigment connective tissue - 色素結締組織

pigment granules - 色素顆粒

retinal pigment epithelium - 視網膜色素上皮細胞

n. aluminum pigment powder - 鋁錠粉


n.輔色素 - accessory pigment

急性後部多發性小板狀色素上皮病 - acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy

n.前色素層 - anterior pigment layer

n.內原色素 - autochthous pigment

n.膽色素,膽汁色素 - bile pigment

n.膽色素石 - bile pigment calculus

n.膽色素顆粒 - bile pigment granules

n.血液色素 - blood pigment

n.霍亂藍色素 - cholera-blue pigment

可溶色素,可散色素 - diffusible pigment

n.外原性色素 - dxfaneous pigment

n.內原色素 - endogenous pigment

n.外原性色素 - exogenous pigment

福爾馬林色素 - formalin pigment

n.血原性色素 - hematogenous pigment

n.虹膜色素 - iris pigment

咽脂紅色素,胭脂紅色素 - lake pigment

n.脂褐質色素 - lipofuscin pigment

n.肝色素 - liver pigment

瘧色素 - malarial pigment

n.代謝性色素 - metabolic pigment

n.天然食用色素 - natural edible pigment

天然色素,有機染料 - organic pigment

n.光逆變色素 - photoreversible pigment

n.紅綠視覺物質 - red-green visual pigment

n.感紅光紅敏色素 - red sensitive pigment

呼吸色素 - respiration pigment

n.呼吸色素 - respiratory pigment

視網膜色素 - retinal pigment

視網膜色素變性 - retinal pigment degeneration

n.視網膜色素上皮細胞 - retinal pigment epithelium

n.老年性角膜線 - stahlis pigment line

n.視色素 - visual pigment

衰竭色素,脂色素 - wear and tear pigment

白色藥片 - white pigment tablet

n.黃藍視覺物質 - yellow-blue visual pigment

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