Depreciable 應計折舊的;可貶值的;可貶值;可蔑視的;depreciable asset 應計折舊資產;應折舊資產;depreciable amount 應折舊金額;Depreciable value 可折舊價值;depreciable assets 應計折舊資產;應折舊資產;折舊性資產;及應折舊資產;
1.The term "depreciation" refers to the systematic amortization of the depreciable amount through a definite method during the useful life of the fixed asset. 折舊,是指在固定資產使用壽命內,按照確定的方法對應計折舊額進行系統分攤。
2.In financial reporting depreciation refers to the charge made against income to reflect the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an assets over its useful life. 在財務報告領域中,折舊是指為反映某項資產在其有效使用期間系統提取的折舊額,從收入中進行的扣除。
3.When depreciable assets are disposed of at any date other than the end of the year, an entry should be made to record depreciation for the fraction of the year ending with the date of disposal. 當折舊範圍內的資產不是在年末被處置,必須作一個會計分錄記錄當年截至處置日那段時間的折舊。
4.Under the Sum of the years digits method, the accountant applies a depreciable fraction to the net value of an asset to obtain the depreciation charge for that year. 年數總和法是以遞減分數作為折舊率,分別乘以固定資產淨值的折舊方法。