n. extreme point ,extremuma. utmost ,uttermost
extreme[ik'stri:m]adj. 極端的;極度的;偏激的;盡頭的n. 極端;末端;最大程度;極端的事物
extreme 極端;最遠,極度的;極端,極端之事物;極端的;Extreme Sports 極限運動;極限活動;極限運動;運動簡介;extreme bacteria 極端細菌[在一般生物不能生存的條件下(極酸、極鹼、極熱)能夠生存的細菌;極端細菌;極端細菌[在一般生物不能生存的條件下(極酸、極鹼、極熱等)能夠生存的細菌);極端細菌[在一般生物不能生存的條件下(極酸﹛極鹼﹛極熱)能夠生存的細菌;Extreme Edition 極致版;極限版;至尊版;終極版;Extreme Networks 美國極進網絡公司;極進網絡;美國極進網絡;極進網絡公司;
1.Today we tend to go to the other extreme. 雖然現在我們傾向於走向另一個極端。
2.With extreme condition for any capital raising, I believe Citi faces liquidity challenges near term. 在極端情況下籌集資金,我相信近期間花旗面對流動資金需要。
3.At one extreme, you can construct a system as a long string of sequential operations, such as we do in a meandering factory assembly line. 一個極端是,你可以把系統構建成一連串的順序操作系統,就像我們使用的曲折的工廠裝配流水線一樣。
One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes, concocted poison of such extreme potency. - 然而,在脊椎動物中,大自然神秘模測地只選擇了蛇(還有一種蜥蜴),人們弄不清楚大自然為什麼在某些蛇的身上調製出如此高效的毒液來。
Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, - 這種極端的事例雖不可全信,
in one's extreme moment - 臨終時刻
appearance of deficiency in extreme excess - 大實有羸狀
appearance of deficiency in extreme excess - 大實有贏狀
extreme thirst - 大渴引飲
Extreme cold produces heat - 寒極生熱
n. extreme value analysis - 極值分析
extreme value - 極端值
extreme thirst and desire for drinking - 煩渴喜飲
extreme heat produces convulsion - 熱極生風
n. extreme pressure additive - 特壓添加劑
extreme pressure - 特高壓力
absolute strabismus; extreme strabismus - 神珠將反
extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy - 紫外線分光光度
extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy - 紫外線分光光度計
n. extreme pressure additive - 耐極高壓添加劑
excessively short cord; extreme shortness of umbilical cord - 臍帶過短
excessively long cord; extreme long of umbilical cord - 臍帶過長
extreme emaciation - 脫肉破
symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency - 至虛有盛侯
symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency - 至虛有盛候
extreme anxiety of the mind - 過度的情志波動
extreme heat due to deficiency of yin; extreme heat due to deficieny of yin - 陰虛熱盛
n.大實有贏狀 - appearance of deficiency in extreme excess
n.大實有羸狀 - appearance of deficiency in extreme excess
n.臨終時刻 - in one's extreme moment
n.相對極值 - relative extreme
n.至虛有盛侯,至虛有盛候 - symptoms of excess in extreme deficiency