suvan. 蘇瓦(斐濟首都)
Suva 蘇瓦;蘇瓦;薩瓦 斐濟群島 澳新線;特徵紫外吸光度;SUVA R507 杜邦R507;SUVA PIJI 蘇瓦;SUVA SUV 蘇瓦;FJSUV SUVA 蘇瓦;
1.The largest city between Honolulu and Auckland, Suva—the capital of the Republic of Fiji—dazzles with cosmopolitan offices, shops, and entertainment. 火奴魯魯和奧克蘭之間最大的城市,斐濟共和國的首都蘇瓦,世界性的辦事機構、商店和娛樂事業令人眩目。
2.Please continue to pray for the healing of Mrs Esther Wong's cancer and for God's comfort and peace for her and her family. Please also pray for brothers &sisters at Suva, Fiji. 請續記念斐濟宣教士黃壽全牧師的太太余麗貞姊妹的健康,求神醫治她的癌病,也為黃牧師及兒子懿珽弟兄代禱,求神給他倆有顆平靜安穩的心;
3.Scores of alleged bootleggers, drug pushersprostitutes have been rounded up, while opponents of the new order have been beaten up at the army's Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva. 所謂的走私販、毒販和妓女被捕,而反對新體制的人則在位於首都蘇瓦的伊麗莎白女王兵營中遭到毒打。