n. dent ,prick ,section ,surgical incision
incision[in'siʒən]n. 切口;雕刻,切割;切開
incision 切開;切口,切開;切口;切割;hidden incision 隱匿切口;隱蔽切口;longitudinal incision 縱切開;lateral incision 側切開;relief incision 減張切開;
1.Objective: To observe surgery effect of the small incision appendectomy. 目的:觀察小切口闌尾切除術的手術療效。
2.Yes. You have to examine the incision for any unusual symptoms every day. 有,你必須每天檢查手術傷口是否有不正常的症狀。
3.Yes. You have to examine the incision for any unusual symptoms every day. 有的,你必須每天檢查手術傷口是否有不正常的症狀。
simple incision of maxillary sinus - 上頜竇單純切開術
transverse incision of lower abdomen - 下腹橫形切口
median incision of lower abdomen - 下腹正中切口
incision scissors - 切開剪
incision and drainage; incisionanddrainage - 切開引流
incision and threaddrawing therapy - 切開掛線法
incision and drainage; incisionanddrainage - 切開排膿
incision and drainage of paronychia - 化膿性甲溝炎切開引流術
intraoral incision and reduction - 口內切開復位法
incision and drainage of floor of mouth - 口底切開引流術
posterior extra-peritoneal incision and drainage - 後側腹膜外切開引流術
incision and drainage of external auditory canal - 外耳道切開引流術
incision of uterine septum - 子宮縱隔切除術
sclera incision and drainage - 鞏膜切開引流術
incision and drainage of peritonsillar abxcess - 扁桃體周膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of abscess of alveolus - 牙槽膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of pelvic abscess - 盆腔膿腫切開引流
incision and drainage of rectum - 直腸切開引流術
incision and drainage of perirectal abscess - 直腸周膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of spermatic cord - 精索切開引流術
transurethral incision of the prostate - 經尿道前列腺切開術
transurethral incision of cervix vesicae - 經尿道膀胱頸切開術
transperitoneal incision and drainage - 經腹膜切開引流術
drainage by incision of posterior vaginal fornix - 經陰道後穹窿切開引流術
incision of ear - 耳切開術
incision and drainage of auricle - 耳郭切開引流術
incision and drainage of perianal abscess - 肛周膿腫切開引流術
incision of anal membrane - 肛膜切開術
incision and drainage of subhepatic abscess - 肝下膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of liver abscess - 肝膿腫切開引流術
incision of great saphenous vein of femur - 股部大隱靜脈剖開術
incision and drainage of shoulder joint - 肩關節切開引流術
incision with exploration of adrenal gland - 腎上腺探查術
incision and drainage of plerirenal abscess - 腎周圍膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of gallbladder - 膽囊切開引流術
incision and drainage of parotid gland abscess - 腮腺膿腫切開引流術
incision of abdominal wall - 腹壁切口
incision of abdominal wall - 腹壁切開
incision and drainage of abdominal wall abscess - 腹壁膿腫切開引流術
incision and dranage of retroperitoneal space - 腹膜後隙切開引流術
incision and drainage of tongue abscess - 舌膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of ankle joint - 踝關節切開引流術
incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess - 闌尾膿腫切開引流術
incision and drainage of scrotum - 陰囊切開引流術
incision of transvese septum of vagina - 陰道橫膈切開術
incision of longitudinal vaginal septum - 陰道給隔切除術
incision of septum of vagina - 陰道隔切開術
incision and drainage of epididymis - 附睪切開引流術
n.腹腔會陰切口 - abdominoperineal incision
n.巴爾氏切口 - bars incision
n.巴特爾氏切口 - battles incision
n.巴格曼氏切口,貝格曼氏切口 - bergmanns incision
n.對口切開 - contra incision
n.迪維爾氏切口 - deavers incision
n.經陰道後穹窿切開引流術 - drainage by incision of posterior vaginal fornix
n.迪爾森氏切開 - duhressens incision
耳內切口 - endaural incision
外耳道內切開 - endomeatal incision
試驗切開,試驗切口 - exploratory incision
n.瓣狀切開 - flap-shaped incision
格式切割 - gridiron incision
n.彎形切口 - hockey stick incision
n.口內切開復位法 - intraoral incision and reduction
n.側切開 - lateral incision
n.麥克阿瑟氏切口 - mcarthurs incision
n.麥克伯尼氏切口,麥氏切口 - mcburneys incision
n.正中切口 - median incision
n.下腹正中切口 - median incision of lower abdomen
n.麥耶氏彎形切口 - meyers hockey stick incision
n.胸骨正中切口 - mid-sternal incision
n.肌肉分離切口 - muscle-splitting incision
n.正中旁切口 - paramedian incision
耳後切跡,耳郭後切跡 - postauricular incision
n.後側腹膜外切開引流術 - posterior extra-peritoneal incision and drainage
n.放射狀切口 - radial incision
減張切開 - relaxation incision
n.減張切開 - relief incision
n.下頜角切口 - risdoms incision
n.鞏膜切開引流術 - sclera incision and drainage
n.上頜竇單純切開術 - simple incision of maxillary sinus
n.皮膚牽開器,皮膚切口 - skin incision
刺傷創口 - stab incision
n.肋下切口 - subcostal incision
n.皮下切開術 - subcutaneous incision
n.胸腹切開術 - thoracicoabdominal incision
n.經腹膜切開引流術 - transperitoneal incision and drainage
n.經尿道膀胱頸切開術 - transurethral incision of cervix vesicae
n.經尿道前列腺切開術 - transurethral incision of the prostate
n.橫切口 - transverse incision
n.下腹橫形切口 - transverse incision of lower abdomen
n.垂直切口 - vertical incision
n.維歇爾氏髂腰部切口 - vischers lumboiliac incision
n.硬顎U形切口 - wilsons incision
n.華倫氏切口 - warrens incision