





Nothing['nʌθiŋ]neg. 沒什麼;毫不n. 無;零;不關緊要之事adv. 毫不;決不pron. 無事;無物int. 什麼也沒有


Nothing 沒事!;無定義(註:根據上下文而定);什麼也沒有;沒有東西;for nothing 免費;白白地;不為任何;免費,徒然。;nothing doing 不行;那可不行;拒絕;nothing better 12點34分;12分34秒;Nothing Fails 不再失去;無所不能.;不再失去下詞;不再失去 否;


1.The poor child has nothing to eat. 那可憐的孩子沒有東西可吃。

2.Selling ads in schools is nothing new. 賣廣告在學校是什麼新鮮事。

3.You are unique. Nothing can replace you. 你是唯一的,無人可以代替你。


No. I have nothing to declare. - 沒有。我沒有什麼要申報的。

There's nothing else in the appointment book. - 在工作日, 沒有別的事了。

Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV or go to movies. - 哦,沒什麼特別愛好。平時讀書、看電視或去看看電影。

My parents expect nothing but high marks. - 我父母就希望我考高分。

I hope nothing is wrong. - 但願沒有事。

There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby. - 沒有任何事能比新生兒的到來更令人喜悅的了。

There is nothing better than a hot dog in the country. - 在美國沒有比熱狗更好的東西了。

Leave nothing to chance. - 做任何事情都要有把握。

Keep to the rules, and nothing can go wrong. - 按規矩辦事情就不會出差子。

There's nothing you can do about it. - 你對此無能為力。

That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. - 那跟我說的事情沒有關係。

In these modern times, almose anything is possible, nothing seems to be beyond the reach of science. - 在這個現代社會裡,幾乎所有的事情都有可能會發生,似乎沒有任何事情是科學解決不了的。

If this doesn't make you happy, nothing will. - 如果這個事情都不能使你高興趣來的話,就沒有其他的辦法了。

I've really got nothing to complain of. - 我確實沒什麼好抱怨的。

There is nothing interesting in the newspaper. - 報紙上沒有什麼有趣的新聞。

Think nothing of it. - 別放在心上。

You have nothing to worry about. - 你沒有什麼好擔心的。

When you have nothing to do, time goes slowly. - 你沒事做時,時間便過得很慢。

If you stick to the truth, you'll have nothing to fear. - 如果你堅持真理,就會無所畏懼。

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. - 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

Please think nothing of it. - 別掛在心上。

Nothing down, nothing up. - 沒有落就沒有起。

Think nothing of it. - 別放在心上。

There's nothing like a cup of tea when you're thirsty. - 當你口渴時,沒有什麼東西比一杯茶更好了。

There's nothing interesting in the newspaper. - 報紙上沒有什麼有趣的新聞。

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? - 你發誓據實陳述而決無謊言嗎?

It's just a mosquito bite.There's nothing to worry about. - 只是一隻蚊子咬的傷口, 不要擔心。

I'm afraid there's nothing available before noon. - 恐怕中午前是沒法看了。

The doctor said it's just a litter heat rash, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是出疹子,不需要擔心。

The doctor said it's just a mild cold, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是有點涼,不需要擔心。

The doctor said it's just a minor burn, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是輕微燒傷,不需要擔心。

The doctor said it's just a mosquito bite, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是被蚊子咬了一口,不需要擔心。

The doctor said it's just a slight infection, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是輕微的感染,不需要擔心。

The doctor said it's just an insert bite, There's nothing to worry about. - 醫生說只是被昆蟲咬了一口,不需要擔心。

By doing nothing we learn to do ill. - 懶散學為非。

There's nothing to do because tomorrow is a holliday. - 無所謂因為明天是假期。

I haven't nothing to declare. - 我沒有要申報的東西。

Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started and have nothing to show you. - 有,我們做了一些,但是因為我們才剛起步,並沒有任何資料可以提供給你們。

There is nothing to thank me for. - 沒有什麼可謝我的。

It's nothing to get upset about. - 沒什麼,用不著煩惱。

It's nothing serious; just some routine examination (checkups). - 這並不是什麼了不起的事,只不過是常規檢查而已。

A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. - 略有勝於全無。

A little of every thing is nothing in the main. - 每事淺嘗輒止,事事都告無成。

A little of everything, nothing at all. - 每事淺嘗輒止,結果將一事無成。

Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose. - 與其說話不中肯,不如一言不發好。

Hide nothing from thy physician. - 切莫諱疾忌醫。

It is more pain to do nothing than something. - 什麼都不做要比做一點更不好受。

I've got nothing to lose. - 我豁出去了!

There's nothing to it. - 這沒有什麼啦。

It's nothing special. - 這沒什麼稀奇。


全或無法則 - all or nothing law

n.瘦得不成樣子 - be reduced to nothing

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