Constantinen. 康斯坦丁(男子名);君士坦丁(阿爾及利亞地名)
Constantine 君士坦丁;地獄神探;忠貞的;康斯坦丁;Constantine Cavafy 卡瓦菲;John Constantine 康斯坦丁;康斯坦汀;Constantine XI 皇帝君士坦丁十一世;君士坦丁十一;君士坦丁十一世;Constantine II 君士坦丁二世;
1.The friezes, which date from Constantine's own time, are feeble by comparison. 這個時期的帝國在變化著,羅馬世界的統治者的日子,不可勝數。
2.In the time of Emperor Constantine, Mount Horeb was identified with Mount Sinai, but scholars think it was located much farther north. 在君士坦丁帝國時期,何烈山被認為是西奈山,但學者認為,何烈山位於北部更遠的地方。
3.Recognized and protected early in the fourth century under the Emperor Constantine, the new sect as it gained influence waged war upon the schools of ancient pagan philosophies. 在第四世紀康斯坦丁君主的統治下是公認和受到保護的,新教派影響日益加大引發了戰爭,凌駕於古老異教徒哲學體系教育之上。