





multiple closed dislocations back 釋義:背多發性閉合性脫位;closed agitator 密閉攪拌器;algebraically closed 代數封閉;代數[封]閉;algebraisch abgeschlossen algebraically closed 代數閉域的;The Study and Application of linkage line for ampoules closed loop control system 水針聯動生產線閉環優化控制系統的研究與應用;


1.There have been many examples of closed economies throughout history, but very few closed economies exist today. also called autarky. 這種經濟也可稱為「自給自足的經濟」,在歷史上有很多例子,但是在現代經濟中很少見。

2.Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂縫和巖穴被方解石沉澱物或其它類似的物質完全或部分地封閉。

3.With the bass plugs mounted in the bass reflex ports, the cabinet is closed and the loudspeaker operates as a closed construction. 將低音插頭接入低音反射端口,可以將音箱設置為密閉式音箱,使其像密閉式音箱一樣工作。

4.The application of the Ohms law of simple closed circuit in complicated closed circuit or open circuit is studied. 討論簡單閉合電路的歐姆定律推廣應用於非閉合電路及複雜電路的求解過程。

5.Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material. 裂縫和巖穴被方解石沉澱物或其它類似的物質完全或部分地封閉。


I'll discuss this matter with you behind closed doors. - 我要跟你私下談這個事。

The firm closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product. - 工廠關門了,因為產品供過於求。

I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - 我想商店在這個時間已經關門了。

The six students put their closed hands in front of them. - 6個學生將握緊的手放在前面。


covalent closed circular dna - 共價閉環DNA

covalent closed circular dna - 共價閉環dna

closed wound operation - 創面手術

n. closed riser - 密實冒口

n. closed forging die - 密實鍛模

n. closed upsetting - 密實鐓粗

closed fermentation method - 密封發酵法

hermetic container; well closed contaniner - 密封容器

closed fermentation methid - 密閉發酵法

closed respiratory gas system - 密閉呼吸氣體系統

n. closed bead - 密閉墊圈

closed anesthesia - 密閉式麻醉

closed ecological system - 密閉生態系統

closed ionization - 密閉電離室

n. closed bevel - 密閉邊

n. closed pore - 封閉孔隙

closed circuit anesthesia apparatus - 封閉循環式麻醉機

n. closed die - 封閉模

n. closed sludge barrel - 封閉泥漿筒

n. closed bead - 封閉的筋

closed structure - 封閉結構

n. closed forging die - 封閉鍛模

n. closed flange - 封閉鍛造

n. closed upsetting - 封閉鐓鍛

microbial closed ecosystem - 微生物閉鎖生態系

n. closed butt gas pressure welding - 無間隙對接氣壓焊

n. closed joint - 無間隙接頭

n. closed flange - 無間隙法蘭

n. closed bead - 無間隙焊道

closed bundle - 有限纖維管束

incompletely closed osteon - 未滿圍骨單位

closed drainage with watersealed bottle - 水封瓶閉式引流

n. closed die - 緊密模

n. closed die forging - 緊密模鍛造

closed anesthesia - 緊閉式麻醉

closed circuit anesthesia - 緊閉循環式麻醉

closed intercostal drainage - 肋間閉式引流

closed injury of chest and hypochondrium - 胸肋內傷

n. closed bevel - 銳斜角

n. closed flange - 閉合凸緣

n. closed bevel - 閉合式萬能角尺

closed wound suction - 閉合式創口吸引

n. closed flange - 閉合式法蘭

closed injury of brain - 閉合性腦損傷

closed dislocation - 閉合性脫位

closed fracture - 閉合性骨折

n. closed forging - 閉合鍛造

closed circulation - 閉型掀起環

n. closed butt gas pressure welding - 閉式加壓氣焊

reduction of closed depressed fracture - 閉性骨折整復術


n.共價閉環DNA,共價閉環dna - covalent closed circular dna

共價閉合環狀DNA,共價閉環DNA - covalently closed circular DNA

n.未滿圍骨單位 - incompletely closed osteon

n.微生物閉鎖生態系 - microbial closed ecosystem

n.閉性骨折整復術 - reduction of closed depressed fracture

n.閉目直立試驗 - standing-eyes closed test

n.密封容器 - well closed contaniner

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