faintish['feintiʃ]adj. 較弱的;有些昏暈的;略為模糊的
faintish 微暈的;較弱的;有些昏暈的;faintish feeblish 較弱的;
1.In storage, the influence of antioxidant to acid value of eucommia crude oil was faintish and the influence of freshness degree of seeds was notable. 貯藏過程中,杜仲原油的酸值受抗氧化劑的影響較小,受杜仲種子新鮮程度的影響較大。
2.Isoflavonoids are a kind of substances in leguminous plants which have biological activity and faintish estrogenic activity. Daidzein is one of the most classes in these substances. 異黃酮類化合物是一種存在於豆科植物中的生物活性物質,具有較弱的雌激素樣活性,而大豆黃酮是此類化合物中存在較廣、近年來研究也較多的一種。
3.The valve structure is optimized to meet the need, which makes it have such advantages: Smaller vortex area and faintish vortex intensity, so the vibration of vortex is controlled efectively. 針對水閥的特點,對大口徑進水閥和排水閥進行流場計算,確定其優化設計指導思想為:控制漩渦,減小漩渦區,減小渦的強度;