Marlborough Downs 由馬爾巴勒省草丘陵地;Marlborough 莫爾伯勒;馬爾堡;馬爾伯勒;瑪勃洛;Marlborough Sounds 馬爾堡灣;馬爾堡海峽;Marlborough Mountain 莫爾伯勒山;Wine Marlborough 馬爾堡葡萄酒協會;
1.Marlborough exemplified England's class system, for it lay in the shadow of Marlborough College, one of the nation's great public schools, a preserve of tradition and privilege. 坐落於馬爾堡的英國重點公立學校馬爾堡大學是傳統和特權的溫床。在它的籠罩之下,馬爾堡也成了英國階級制度的代表。
2.The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit. 2007年的葡萄酒有著新鮮的青草味,黑醋栗味和獼猴桃的馬博羅的香味。
3.The closest source of the large sarsen stones is here at the Marlborough Downs, to the north of Stonehenge. 最近的石頭資源是在萬寶路低谷這兒,面對巨石陣北面的地方。
4.Located on the edge of the South Pacific Ocean, nestled amongst the Marlborough hills, the vineyard consistently produces top quality fruit and award winning wines. 位於南太平洋海邊緣,馬爾伯勒丘陵之間,這裡的葡萄園一直以來以生產高品質的葡萄和屢獲大獎的葡萄酒而著稱。
5.The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass gooseberries and kiwifruit. 2007年的這款葡萄酒有著新鮮的青草味,醋栗味和馬博羅的獼猴桃香味。