single-address 單地址;single-level address 一級地址,單級地址,直接地址;單級地址,直接地址;single-address message 信息只送至一處;single-address system 單動液壓缸;single-cycle address translation 單週期循環地址轉換;
1.The address-of operator. Takes a single argument that must be an lvalue. Yields the address in memory of that object. 取地址操作符需要一個操作數,其唯一的操作數必須是左值對象,該操作返回操作數對像在內存中的存儲地址。
2.In the x86 architecture with 32-bit CPU processors, a single 32-bit unsigned integer can be used to address up to 4 GB. 在32位的x86芯片的構架上,一個簡單的32位的無符號整型變量可以用來對4GB的內存進行尋址。
3.You can park playlists, single-purpose "widgets, " Web pages or address-book "cards" there, too, just as on a real computer (which this is). 你還可以把播放列表、專用「插件」、網頁或者地址簿「卡片」放到這裡,簡直和真的電腦一樣(這就是電腦)。