r. boastfully ,large ,vauntinglya. bad ,heavy ,large ,prominent
r. smalla. little ,small
big[biɡ]adj. 大的;重要的;量大的adv. 大量地;順利;誇大地
big 大的;大人;大昭和;日本大昭和;Big Bang 大爆炸;宇宙大爆炸;大霹靂;金融大爆炸;Big Fish 大魚;大智若魚;大魚奇緣;大魚(大智若魚);big headed 大腦袋(傲慢,自大);傲慢,自大;大腦袋(傲慢,自大);大腦袋;Big Sur 大蘇爾;大瑟爾;大索爾;大蘇爾(美國加利福尼亞州);
1.I am a woman with big dreams. 我是一個有遠大理想的女人。
2.I have small ears and big feet. 我有很小的耳朵和很大的腳。
3.Are all of your kind so… big? 你們這一族都是這麼的…巨大?
I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed. - 謝謝你下了這麼大的訂單,你一定不會失望的。
How big is your family? - 你家有幾口人?
I know that you do a very big international business, - 我知道貴公司在國際貿易方面的生意做得很大,
My friends will get a big kick out of getting these. - 送勞力士,我同事准樂死了!
Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts. - 我們公司經營大宗中國工藝品。
To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability. - 執行像你們這樣一個龐大的訂貨,超過了我們的財務能力。
I just saw a big one! - 我剛看見一條大的。
That was a big dinner, and I'm stuffed. - 晚餐真豐盛啊!我吃多了!
I'm a big movie fan. - 我是個電影迷。
If you keep eating you'll be as big as a house. - 如果你一直吃下去,你會胖得像棟房子。
I had a big breakfast, so I think I'll skip lunch today. - 我吃了一頓豐盛的早餐,所以打算不吃午飯了。
A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. - 一家建築公司。修路, 築橋, 都是大工程。
And have a good stay in the Big Apple. - 祝您在紐約愉快。
You're a big boy. - 你是個大孩子了。
Well, the crab salad's always a big hit. - 嗯 ,蟹肉沙拉一向是廣受歡迎的。
It won't sound like a big deal, - 這事聽起來沒啥嚴重,
Yes, he does have Richard's eyes. Big blue eyes. - 是的, 他的眼睛很像Richard。藍色大眼睛。
Eight-six. Big boy! - 八磅六。是個大嬰兒!
Then you'll see a big old red barn. - 然後你就會看到一座舊的紅色大糧倉。
and then a big red barn. - 然後就是一座大的紅色倉。
what do you think this big surprise is? - 你認為這一件大驚喜會是什麼?
We'll tell you the big surprise. - 我來告訴你們這個大驚喜。
Sunday's their big day. - 星期天是他們大生意的日子。
The belief crisis occurring in the younger generation may turn out to be a big problem. - 年輕一代的信仰危機很可能演化成為一個大問題。
Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los Angeles - 這可是個大決定。
He has a big sales office in Los Angeles, - 他在Los Angeles有一個大的銷售辦事處,
It's a big decision for me, Bill. - 對我來說這是個大決定, Bill。
I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. - 我經營自己的公司。我是一條小池裡的大魚。
I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. - 我不是真的很確定我想成為一條大池裡的小魚。
Come on, you big guy. - 過來, 你這個好小子。
There's a big market today in wedding dresses. - 結婚禮服在目前有很大的市場。
you people are making one big story. - 你們正在製造一件大新聞。
It's no big deal. - 這沒有什麼。
This is your big night. - 今兒晚上可是你的好日子。
This is the big moment. - 這可是關鍵時刻。
It's no big deal. - 沒什麼大不了的。
Like it's such a big deal. - 就好像有什麼大不了似的。
My friend, I am in a big mess, do you think you could help me tomorrow? - 朋友,我現在正忙得一塌湖塗。明天你可以幫一下我嗎?
You say that many big companies act unscrupulously, but can you give me one example? - 你說許多大公司不擇手段,你能舉個例子嗎?
He is a big fan of the NBA games. - 他是NBA的鐵桿球迷。
Hi-tech companies are making big bucks nowadays. - 現在高科技公司是最賺錢的。
Bicycle theft is on the increase in the big cities. - 大城市裡盜竊自行車的案件與日俱增。
The soundtrack from Lord of the Rings has truned into a big hit. - 《指環王》的原聲唱片賣得滿堂紅。
Studying is a big boring, but it sure beats the unemployment queues. - 學習是有點枯燥,但比起失業來好多了。
This show is terrible; whoever's in charge needs to make some big changes. - 這場演出很糟糕,主事的人應該對此做重大調整。
If you don't finish your homework, you'll be in big, big trouble. - 如果你不完成作業,你就有大麻煩了。
Your big moment is at hand. - 你的重大時刻即將到來。
This big house is perfect for our large family. - 這坐大房子完全適合我們大家庭居住。
Her ring glitters with a big diamond. - 她的戒指上的鑽石閃閃發光。
Our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition. - 我們是一家久負盛名,有著悠久歷史的公司。
a big lump - 一個高隆起
big gastrin - 大胃泌素
big needle - 巨針
big bodied - 身材魁梧的
n.一個高隆起 - a big lump