gradgrindn. 葛擂梗(狄更斯小說《艱難時世》中的人物)
1."This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him. 「這真是一個非常冒失的孩子,」葛擂硬先生轉過身來向他皺著眉頭說。
2.After a few dashes in the public meeting way, Mr. Gradgrind and a council of political sages approved of Jem. 在公共會場中顯了一兩次身手之後,葛擂硬先生和他那一群政友們很稱許詹姆。
3.The latter part of this speech was addressed to Mr. Gradgrind, who received it with a grave inclination of his head. 以上的話的最後半段,是對葛擂硬先生講的,葛擂硬一本正經地低著頭聽完了。