





accelerating gradient 加速梯度;ablation gradient 消融梯度;adsorbing gradient 釋義:吸附梯度;accelerating gradient 加速梯度;ablation gradient 消融梯度;


1.EP + bake can provide an important method to increase the accelerating gradient. The accelerating gradient can increase by 3~4 MV/m after EP + bake treatment and the Q-drop is also improved. 高加速梯度的獲得是射頻超導領域的前沿熱點,電拋光+低溫熱處理技術使射頻超導腔的加速梯度提高3~4 MV/m。

2.Secondly, gradient feature is extracted from image. Based on the principle of projective transformation, the fine registration is performed by finding the maximum CT gradient projections. 然後提取圖像的梯度特徵,根據投影變換原理,採用尋找具有CT最大梯度投影位置的方法進行精配准。

3.The steady thermo-elastoplastic behavior of ceramic-metal functionally gradient materials(FGMs)was investigated by considering an Al2O3/Ni gradient material. 本文對金屬-陶瓷梯度材料的穩態熱彈塑性行為進行了研究。

4.The working principle of high-gradient magnetic separation and its application in treating wastewater are explained. Besides, the development trend of high-gradient magnetic separation is discussed. 介紹了高梯度磁選分離技術的原理和在處理廢水中的應用,並且提出了高梯度磁分離技術的發展趨勢。

5.The effect of reactive aggregate gradient distribution in cement-based functionally gradient materials(FGM) on its mechanical property is compared with that of homogeneous distribution. 通過活性集料在混凝土中的梯度分佈和均勻分佈,研究對比了活性集料梯度分佈對水泥基材料力學性能的影響。


pressure-gradient correction-factor; presure gradient corrrction factor - 壓力梯度校正因子

desity gradient separation - 密度梯度分離

density gradient menthod - 密度梯度法

density gradient elecrophoresis - 密度梯度電泳

density gradient centrifugation; density gradine centrifugation; isodensity centrifugation - 密度梯度離心

exponeneial gradient device - 指數梯度裝置

gradient screen survey - 梯度篩選法調查

transmembrane gradient of hydrogen ion - 氫離子跨膜梯度

temperature gradient chroma tography - 溫度梯度色譜法

isopycnic gradient centrifugation - 等密度梯度離心

surcrose gradient centrifugation - 蔗糖梯度離心

sucrose gradient sedimentation - 蔗糖濃度梯度沉降法

gravity gradient centrifugation - 重力梯度離心法

stepwise gradient device - 階式梯度裝置

discontinuous density gradient centrifugation - 非連續密度梯度離心

n. high gradient magnetic separation - 高梯度磁選法


n.累積曲線的斜度,累積梯度 - accumulation gradient

n.吸附劑梯度 - adsorbent gradient

n.交變梯度 - alternating gradient

前後級度 - anteroposterior gradient

軸梯度,中軸階度 - axial gradient

頭尾階度 - cephalo-caudal gradient

n.化學梯度 - chemical gradient

n.組分梯度 - composition gradient

n.濃度梯度,濃梯度 - concentration gradient

n.連續梯度 - continuous gradient

n.密度梯度 - density gradient

n.密度梯度離心 - density gradient centrifugation

n.密度梯度電泳 - density gradient elecrophoresis

n.密度梯度法 - density gradient menthod

密度梯度超速離心法 - density gradient ultracentrifugation

n.密度梯度分離 - desity gradient separation

n.擴散梯度 - diffusion gradient

n.非連續密度梯度離心 - discontinuous density gradient centrifugation

n.不連續梯度 - discontinuous gradient

雙梯度說 - double gradient theory

n.電化梯度 - electrochemical gradient

n.電化性電位梯度,電化學位梯度 - electrochemical potential gradient

n.洗脫液強度梯度 - eluant strength gradient

流行病學梯度 - epidemiological gradient

平衡密度梯度離心 - equilibrium density gradient centrifugation

n.指數梯度 - exponeneial gradient

n.指數梯度裝置 - exponeneial gradient device

膠片梯度 - film gradient

n.重力梯度離心法 - gravity gradient centrifugation

生長梯度 - growth gradient

n.指數梯度 - index gradient

n.流入液梯度 - influent gradient

n.等動力梯度 - isokinetic gradient

n.等密度梯度離心 - isopycnic gradient centrifugation

最小電流梯度,石灰電流梯度 - liminal current gradient

n.線性洗提液強度梯度 - linear diluent strength gradient

n.線性梯度 - linear gradient

最小電流梯度 - minimal current gradient

n.負溫度梯度 - negative temperature gradient

n.滲透梯度 - osmotic gradient

n.滲透壓力差,滲透壓梯度 - osmotic pressure gradient

生理梯度 - physiological gradient

n.極性梯度 - polarity gradient

n.電勢勾配,勢陡梯度 - potential gradient

n.壓力梯度 - pressure gradient

n.壓力梯度校正因子 - presure gradient corrrction factor

n.比例體積梯度 - proportional volume gradient

n.質子梯度 - proton gradient

受體梯度 - receptor gradient

n.圓階式梯度 - rounded stepwise gradient

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