Vesta 灶神星;維斯塔;灶神;女灶神;vesta residence 威斯塔山莊酒店;4 Vesta 4灶神星;灶神星;Hestia Vesta 維斯塔;Vesta family 灶神星族;
1.During this period his friendly relations with the little Vesta insensibly strengthened. 在這期間,他跟小味絲搭的親善關係不知不覺地日漸加強起來。
2.Two Lares might be portrayed standing on either side of Vesta or some other deity. 在維斯太或其他某個神祇的身旁常分立兩個拉爾。
3.Venus is also part of a Yod with Uranus in Pisces at the apex and Vesta in Leo as the other leg of the base. 金星也是上帝之指相位的一部份,與頂點天王星雙魚,和灶神星獅子組合而成。
4.Roman mythology) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple. (羅馬神話)信仰羅馬女灶神並且在維持她的神殿中聖火不滅的女祭司。
5.It was a little boat, oarless, or not visibly propelled, and in it were her mother, and Vesta, and some one whom she could not make out. 那是一隻很小的船,旁邊沒有槳,也不見它移動,船中坐著她的母親和味絲搭,還有一個人卻辨不清楚。