n. harpooneer
harpoonersn. 魚叉手
harpooners 魚鏢手;
1.Upstairs we went, and I was shown into a small room, cold as the grave, with a great bed, big enough for four harpooners to sleep side by side. 我們上樓去,我被帶進一個小房間,房間裡冷得像墳墓,有一張大床,大得足夠四個魚叉手並排著睡。
2.One of the harpooners now advances with a sword, and, watching his chance, he quickly cuts out a new hole in the lower part of the swinging mass. 一個魚叉手帶了一把刀上前,找了個機會,很迅速地在還搖擺著的肉團底部挖了一個新洞。
3.Next was Tashtego, a pure Red Indian from Gay Head, where the last village of red men has long supplied the neighbouring island of Nantucket with many of her most daring harpooners. 第二是塔提扣,一個道地印地安紅人,來自黑特灣,這個僅存的紅人村,長期的供應最勇敢的魚叉手給鄰島南塔開特。