Sexual harrassment 性騷擾;
1.Avoid word and actions that constitute sexual harrassment. 避免語言或行動上的性騷擾。
2.Once a female has spawned and is brooding her young, she should be removed so as to prevent undue harrassment by the dominant male in the tank. 一旦雌魚含卵或者是開始看養它的下一代,應該立刻將其隔離以避免同缸中雄魚的干擾。
3.However, Tech Center Harrassment in the late game is by now a very viable, and almost essential strategy, and this is one way of accomplishing that aim. 在遊戲後期騷擾高科是很重要的,甚至幾乎是所有戰術中必要的環節,影子小隊是完成這一任務的合適選擇。