firern. 發火器;開炮者;放火者
firer 點火者;放火者;燒火工人;發火器;quick firer 速射槍;shot firer 放炮器;炮王」 勞工;firebrand firebug firer 放火者;shot-firer 爆破工;釋義:引爆工(採礦和採石);
1.It also undertakes the delivery of explosives from the depots to blasting sites and issues shot firer certificates. 該部又負責把爆炸品由政府倉庫運往爆石工地,並簽發燃爆手證書。
2.The piper firer introduces the advantages of fiber-optic sensors as compared with other sensors end the basic principles of the sensing and light-transmitting fiber-optic sensors. 介紹了光纖傳感器與其他傳感器相比的優點,還介紹了傳感型光纖傳感器與傳光型光纖傳感器的基本原理。
3.It can greatly promote carcinogenesis. DNA diluted alkali firer proves N-nitroso compounds induce the crosslinking between complementary DNA base pairs and initiate cell cancerization. DNA城稀釋過濾法證明,N-亞硝基化合物含氮雜環化借誘發DNA互補鹼對之間的交聯而啟動細胞的癌變。