





n. temporal rolea. worldly


temporal['tempərəl]adj. 暫時的;當時的;現世的n. 世間萬物;暫存的事物


temporal 一時的, 暫時的, 世俗的;時間的;顳的;暫時的;temporal resolution 瞬時分辨力;時間分辨率;分辨率;時間分辨率 時間解像度;temporal summation 時間總合作用;時間總和;時間求和;(時間的綜合):神經因發生刺激的頻率的增加效果而提高其感應性.;temporal trend 時間趨勢;temporal region 顳部;顳區;太陽穴;


1.Grovyle: I needed to take them to Temporal Tower and put them in place. 森林蜥蜴:我需要把它們拿到時間之塔去,放到特定的位置。

2.Time: The Arcanum that governs divination, prophecy and temporal acceleration/deceleration. 時間:主宰占卜、預言與時間加速/減速的奧秘。

3.Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. 妳的財富、名望和世俗的權力都將變成細枝末節的事情,不管是妳擁有的還是虧欠的,都不再重要。


linea temporalis superior; superior temporal line - 上顳線

inferior temporal line; linea temporalis inferior - 下顳線

right temporal lobe epilepsy - 右顳葉癲癇

temporal view - 頭部側位

mastoid process; temporal bone - 壽台骨

left temporal labe epilepsy - 左顳葉癲癇

temporal orientation - 時間定向

temporal summation - 時間性總和

temporal gene - 暫時基因

temporal transendothelial channel - 暫時性穿內皮小管

temporal cerebral ischemia seizure; transient cerebral ischemic episode - 暫時性腦缺血發作

arteriola temporalis retinae superior; superior temporal retinal arteriole - 視網膜顳側上小動脈

superior temporal retinal venule; venula temporalis retinae superior - 視網膜顳側上小靜脈

arteriola temporalis retinae inferior; inferior temporal retinal arteriole - 視網膜顳側下小動脈

inferior temporal retinal venule; venula temporalis retinae inferior - 視網膜顳側下小靜脈

temporal artery cutdown - 顳動脈供血停止


顳前靜脈 - anterior temporal artery

顳板障前靜脈 - anterior temporal diploic vein

顳深動脈 - deep temporal artery

顳深神經 - deep temporal nerve

顳深靜脈 - deep temporal vein

顳下回 - inferior temporal gyrus

n.下顳線 - inferior temporal line

n.視網膜顳側下小動脈 - inferior temporal retinal arteriole

n.視網膜顳側下小靜脈 - inferior temporal retinal venule

顳下溝 - inferior temporal sulcus

n.左顳葉癲癇 - left temporal labe epilepsy

中側腦動脈 - middle temporal artery

中側腦回 - middle temporal gyrus

中側腦溝 - middle temporal sulcus

中側腦靜脈 - middle temporal vein

顳骨巖部後緣 - posterior border of petrous part of temporal bone

顳後動脈 - posterior temporal artery

顳後板障靜脈 - posterior temporal diploic vein

n.右太陽穴的,右顳颥的 - right temporal

n.右顳葉癲癇 - right temporal lobe epilepsy

顳骨莖突 - styloid process of temporal bone

中側腦動 - sulcus for middle temporal artery

顳淺動脈 - superficial temporal artery

顳淺動脈-大腦中動脈吻合術 - superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis

顳淺靜脈 - superficial temporal vein

上顳葉回,顳上回 - superior temporal gyrus

n.上顳線 - superior temporal line

n.視網膜顳側上小動脈 - superior temporal retinal arteriole

n.視網膜顳側上小靜脈 - superior temporal retinal venule

上顳葉溝,顳上溝 - superior temporal sulcus

顳橫溝 - transverse temporal sulci

顳骨鼓室部 - tympanic part of temporal bone


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