infusern. 鼓吹者;注入者;浸煮器
infuser 浸潰器;注入器;鼓吹者;注入者;Infuser Port 靜脈輸液;travenol infuser 釋義:輸液器;infuser mover 鼓吹者;chronometric infuser 釋義:定時灌注器;
1.Exotics:Ginger, Irish Green , Oolong, Green Tango, African Solstice, White Ambrosia, 1 infuser of each. 異國風情裝:姜茶,愛爾蘭綠茶,烏龍茶,綠探戈茶,非洲如意茶,安布羅西亞茶。每種1粒。
2.I got up and picked up a glass bottle with a built-in tea infuser. I asked him how much it cost. He said 20 yuan. It was easily worth 50. 我站起來,抓過一個帶有內置茶壺的玻璃瓶,問他值多少錢。他回答說20元。其實他說50元我們也會相信的。
3.But the infuser of a lot of rich traveler writers, website and free speech is planted for this the technology is likely by " abuse " and anxiety-ridden. 但是許多博客作者、網站以及言論自由的鼓吹者則為這種技術可能被「濫用」而憂心忡忡。