





a. dainty ,decent ,discriminate ,skillful


a. awful ,nasty


nice[nais]adj. 精密的;美好的;細微的;和藹的


Nice 尼斯;法國尼斯;美好的;研究院;NICE FEELING 美好感覺;(美好感覺) 下載;(美好感覺;GET NICE 結好控股;NICE DAY 納愛斯紀念日;完美的一天;美好的一天;慢金屬;very nice 非常好;很漂亮;太棒了;很好;


1.In fact, they are very nice souvenirs. 事實上,它們是很好的紀念品。

2.What a nice day! 天氣多好的一天!

3.To trust myself, and 相信自己、相信世界是美好的!


Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park. - 很好,要定那個可以看到公園美麗景色的房間。

That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print. - 真細心!你從哪兒弄來的?這還不是複製的呢!

Take care, and have a nice flight. - 請保重!祝你一路順風!

Have a nice flight. - 祝您一路順風。

No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu. - 沒問題。這是您的護照,還有您的錢。祝您愉快,陸先生。

Mr. Harrison, how nice to meet you again. - 哈里森先生,真高興再見到你。

I see. Well, it's very nice to meet you, Mr. Wrigley. - 哦!我也很高興認識您,威格萊先生。

It's nice to see you again. - 很高興再見到你們。

They have nice things, but they've very expensive. - 它們的東西不錯,但很貴。

How nice it is here. - 這兒真不錯。

Hello, nice to meet you. By the way, nice shoes you have. - 你好,很高興見到你。 順便提一下, 你的鞋子很漂亮。

Thank you for going out with me. I had a very nice time. - 謝謝你陪我出來。我過得很愉快。

Oh, that's a nice idea. - 噢,這想法不錯。

It was nice meeting you. - 非常高興遇見你。

It's nice to meet you. - 很高興見到你 。

It was nice meeting you all. - 很高興見到你們一家人。

Hello, Harry. It's nice to meet you. - 你好 Harry 很高興見到 。

Have a nice evening. - 祝你們今晚愉快。

Very nice to meet you. - 很樂意見到你。

Well! Nice restaurant. - 嘿, 這是一家好餐廳。

That's a nice age. What's her name? - 正是美妙年齡。她什麼名字?

Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you. Harry - 很高興與你見面。

I had a nice evening. - 讓我過了一個愉快的夜晚。

It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart. - 很高興遇見你, Stewart先生。

And nice meeting you, too, Mrs. Tobin. - 我也很高興見到你,Tobin太太。

It's a perfect day for it--a little cloudy but nice and warm. - 今天是最好的看球天氣,有點雲,但舒適暖和。

Butter, nice and cold and hard. - 牛油 新鮮又冷又硬。

It's nice to see young love.... Oh, to be young again! - 真高興看見年輕人相愛……。啊 能再恢復年輕多好

You are very lucky, Robbie, to have such a nice family. - Robbie你真幸運 擁有這樣溫馨的家。

It's been very nice talking to you. - 很高興與你交談。

He's a nice man. - 他是個好人。

It's so nice out. - 外面天氣真好。

Well, I had a really nice time. - 嗯 我玩得很開心。

And have a nice afternoon. - 祝下午玩得愉快。

It's nice to be alone with you, Grandpa. - 很高興單獨與你在一起, 爺爺。

That's always nice to hear, Mr. Marchetta. - 聽到這事總是好的, Marchetta先生。

This will make a nice gift for Marilyn and Richard. - 這是給Richard和Marilyn的一件好禮物。

Oh, it was nice meeting all of you. - 哦, 很高興會見你們各位。

Have a nice stay. - 希望你們住得愉快。

Let's call room service and order a nice breakfast, - 讓我們打電話給房間服務部訂一份可口的早餐。

Oh, hello! How nice of you to remember us! - 噢, 好, 真好, 還記得我們!

Well, it's nice to have you with us again. - 噢 ,非常高興你們又來了。

I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. - 我很想送給她一件好的離別禮物。

And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... - 我還想給她一份精美禮物……

Well, I saw a nice watch. - 嗯,我已看中了一隻好表 。

Hi, it's nice to meet you. - 你好,很高興見到你。

It's so nice of you to come. - 你能來真好。

It's nice seeing you. - 非常高興見到你。

Thanks. Nice to meet you ... again. - 謝謝。很高興又……見到你。

Hello, Joanne. Nice to meet you. - 好, Joanne。很高興見到 。


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