





automatic cop winder automatic pirn winder automatic quiller automatic weft winder autoquill win 自動卷緯機;automatic cop winder automatic pirn winder automatic quiller automatic weft winder autoquill win 自動卷緯機;automatic balance automatic scale automatic weigher automatic weighing machine 自動秤;automatic balance automatic scale automatic weigher automatic weighing machine 自動秤;automatic cop winder automatic pirn winder automatic quiller automatic weft winder autoquill win 自動卷緯機;


1.Exhibits: Automatic Cyclograph, Automatic Fiber Pen Line Ograph, Automatic Globoidal Lineograph, Automatic Penpoint And Ink Detector, Automatic Pencil Detector, Etc. 展品:書寫劃圓儀,纖維筆畫線儀,弧面劃線儀,筆頭墨水檢測儀,鉛筆檢測儀器…等。

2.Usage: special equipment for auto starting motor armature round coil automatic wire loading, automatic wire feeding, automatic alignment, automatic cutting off and automatic shape making. 用途:適用於汽車起動電機電樞圓線繞組的自動送料、自動去漆皮、自動定長切斷、自動成形的一種專用設備。

3.Exhibits: Automatic Cyclograph, Automatic Fiber Pen Line Ograph, Automatic Globoidal Lineograph, Automatic Penpoint And Ink Detector, Automatic Pencil Detector, Etc. 展品:書寫劃圓儀,纖維筆畫線儀,弧面劃線儀,筆頭墨水檢測儀,鉛筆檢測儀器…等。

4.Exhibits: Automatic Cyclograph, Automatic Fiber Pen Line Ograph, Automatic Globoidal Lineograph, Automatic Penpoint And Ink Detector, Automatic Pencil Detector, Etc. 展品:書寫劃圓儀,纖維筆畫線儀,弧面劃線儀,筆頭墨水檢測儀,鉛筆檢測儀器…等。

5.Now company"s series product are range from Automatic Faucet, Automatic Urinal Flusher, Automatic Toilet Flusher, Automatic Hand Dryer, Automatic Skin &Hair Dryer and so on." 公司現已擁有紅外線感應水龍頭、小便感應沖水器、便器感應沖水器、感應烘手器、干膚干發器等自動衛浴系列產品;


Do you want manual or automatic transmission? - 你的汽車想配備一個手動擋還是自動擋?

may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization. - 很可能會在離開太陽系時留下自動化信息裝置,等待先進文明的覺醒。

and assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the 1920's, - 假定外星人的這種自動化信息裝置接收到了我們二十世紀二十年代的第一次廣播信號,


automatic dose rate controlled x-ray unit - 劑量自動控制X線機

automatic microtome knife sharpener - 切片刀自動研磨器

n. automatic hammer with to opposite working rams - 雙頭自動錘

n. multiple electrode automatic welding process - 多焊條自動焊接法

n. multiple electrode automatic welding process - 多電極自動焊接法

automatic ampule-cutting and rounding machine - 安瓿自動割圓機

n. automatic hammer with to opposite working rams - 帶反向沖壓的自動錘

delayed automatic gain control - 延遲自動增益控制

ecg and pcg data automatic analyser - 心電心音數據自動分析裝置

slow reaction automatic cell - 慢反應自律細胞

portable automatic blood analyzer - 手提血液自動分析器

automatic radio-immunity analyzer - 放射免疫分析自動測量儀

n. non-gas automatic welding machine - 無氣自動焊機

automatic sample changer - 樣品自動更換器

automatic amino acid analyzer - 氨基酸自動分析儀

n. automatic slide control - 滑塊自動控制

electrical automatic thermostat developing tank - 電動自動恆溫顯影桶

automatic mallet - 電動錘

n. automatic controlled equipment for phosphate acid coating - 磷酸鹽塗層自動控制設備

automatic well counter - 自動井型計數器

automatic weighing scale - 自動體重秤

n. automatic stop,auto-stop - 自動停止器

n. automatic stop - 自動停車

automatic photoelectric titrater - 自動光電滴定器

n. automatic stamping press - 自動沖壓機

n. automatic press - 自動沖床

automatic analysis - 自動分析

automatic fraction collector - 自動分步收集器

automatic differential count machine - 自動分類計數機

automatic dose dividing apparatus; automatic dose divlding appa-ratus - 自動份量機

automatic oxygen generator - 自動制氧機

automatic immunoprecipitation - 自動化免疫沉澱反應

automatic monitor - 自動化監測儀

automatic casting machine - 自動化鑄造機

n. automatic stamping press - 自動壓印機

n. automatic press - 自動壓床

automatic sampler-counter - 自動取樣計數器

automatic pipet - 自動吸管

eeg automatic analyzer - 腦電自動分析器

automatic depuration; self purification; selfpurification - 自淨

automatic respirator - 自動呼吸器

automatic sprayer - 自動噴霧器

automatic timer - 自動定時器

n. automatic slide control - 自動導板控制

n. automatic take-up coil holder - 自動開卷裝置

automatic tension recorder - 自動張力記錄儀

n. automatic arc welding - 自動弧焊

n. automatic arc welding device - 自動弧焊設備

n. automatic sweep delay - 自動掃瞄延遲

automatic scanner - 自動掃瞄機


n.延遲自動增益控制 - delayed automatic gain control

n.心電心音數據自動分析裝置 - ecg and pcg data automatic analyser

n.腦電自動分析器 - eeg automatic analyzer

n.電動自動恆溫顯影桶 - electrical automatic thermostat developing tank

全自動肺機能系統 - full automatic lung function system

n.手提血液自動分析器 - portable automatic blood analyzer

n.半自動的 - semi automatic

優先光閘自動顯露 - shutter-priority automatic exposure

n.慢反應自律細胞 - slow reaction automatic cell

尿自動分析器 - urine automatic analyzer

n.自動真空組織處理機 - vacuum automatic tissue processor

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