Zero-profit free-entry condition 零利潤自由參進條件;zero free-volume state 零自由體積態;zero-emission and pollution-free fuel cell bus 零排放,無污染的燃料電池公共汽車;
1.Signature-based detection is always a step behind the bad guys —a zero-day threat has free reign until they can cobble up a new signature. 定義掃瞄永遠落後於壞傢伙,一個零日威脅有完全的統治權,直到被定義捕獲。
2.In addition the car has zero emissions and pollution-free characteristics, and engine noise than ordinary passenger cars by up to a lot of comfort. 該車除具有零排放、無污染的特點,而且發動機噪音小、乘坐起來比普通客車要舒適很多。
3.The campaign will involve a combination of sales incentives, including zero-percent loans, free insurance and fuel, and roadside service, a Toyota spokesman said. 豐田公司發言人稱,這一活動將包括多種促銷方式,包括零利率貸款、贈送保險和汽油以及道路救援服務等。