zero-error 零誤差,零位誤差,零點誤差;zero-drift error 零位漂移誤差;zero-error system 零誤差系統;zero-error reference 零誤差參考;零誤差基準線;zero-error capacity 零誤差容量;
1.This reduction results in low zero-crossing error. 這個減少將使過原點誤差降低。
2.The simulation results show that the given step signal can be tracked with zero steady-state error even the gain of the plant is variable or unknown. 仿真結果表明,即使對像增益可變或者未知,該控制器均能實現對給定階躍信號的無靜差跟蹤。
3.Compared with traditional PI control methods, the P+Resonant(PR) control can introduce an infinite gain at the fundamental frequency and hence can achieve zero steady-state error. 與傳統的PI控制器比較,該比例諧振控制器(PR)在基波頻率處增益無窮大,因此可以完全消除穩態誤差。