PackRatn. 個人信息管理程序(軟件名)
1.Your husband is a packrat, and the thought of going through his stuff is paralyzing, so you will have to do the lion's share of organizing. 你丈夫有收集東西的癖好,面對一片亂麻麻他已經是熟視無睹了,因此你必須承擔起歸置的重任。
2.Your husband is a packrat, and the thought of going through his stuff is paralyzing, so you will have to do the lion's share of organizing. 你的丈夫是收集東西成癮的人,所以讓他收納自己的東西是非常困難的事情,因此你要在組織管理上多下點功夫。
3.Your husband is a packrat, and the thought of going through his stuff is paralyzing, so you will have to do the lion's share of organizing. 你丈夫是一個收集東西成癮的人,這種想法填滿了他的腦袋使他變得麻木,所以你必須與這個固執的人一起進行規劃。