





qi stagnation due to congealing cold 寒凝氣滯;expelling stagnation 釋義:開郁;stagnation poi 駐點;protracted stagnation 長期徘徊不前;stagnancy stagnate stagnation 沉滯;


1.Abstract: Objective To solve the problem of venous stagnation of island flaps of hand or forearm with the method of superficial vein anastomosis. 文摘:目的採用吻合皮瓣淺靜脈的方法,解決手部及前臂島狀皮瓣轉移後靜脈回流不暢的問題。

2.Uses: to disperse liver stagnation, to calm stomach, to transform phlegm, treat globus hystericus (sensation of a lump in the throat), lack of appetite. 其作用為疏肝、和胃、化痰,治梅核氣、肝胃氣痛、食慾不振、眩暈。

3.Deficiency of kidney-qi and debility of marrow was the basic pathogenesis and stagnation of phlegm in brain collateral was the important factor. 其中,腎精氣虧虛、髓海不足是老年性癡呆發病的根本病機,而痰瘀互結、阻滯腦絡則是老年性癡呆發病的重要因素。

4.Their putrescence is evident, their stagnation is unhealthy, their fermentation infects people with fever, and etiolates them; 那些地方的腐臭是明顯的,淤滯是有害的,發酵作用能使裡面的生物得熱病,並促使衰亡。

5.Their putrescence is evident, their stagnation is unhealthy, their fermentation infects people with fever, and etiolates them; their multiplication becomes a plague of Egypt. 那些地方的腐臭是明顯的,淤滯是有害的,發酵作用能使裡面的生物得熱病,並促使衰亡。


caked breast; stagnation mastitis - 乳汁瀦留性乳腺炎

qi stagnation of large intestine - 大腸氣滯

amenorrhea due to stagnation of cold wetness evil; menoschesis due to cold and dampness - 寒濕凝滯經閉

stagnation of qi in the chest and abdomen - 心腹結氣

stagnation of the heart blood - 心血瘀阻

diarrhea due to stagnation of qi - 氣瀉

qi stasis; stagnation of i; stagnation of qi; stagnation of the vital energy; stagnationofqi - 氣滯

dysmenorrhea due to stagnation of qi - 氣滯痛經

lumbago due to stagnation of qi - 氣滯腰痛

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣滯腹痛

flatulence due to stagnation of qi - 氣痞

arthralgia due to stagnation of qi - 氣痺

abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi; qi mass - 氣積

abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣結腹痛

gaseous distension; tympanies; tympanites due to sagnation of qi; tympanites due to stagnation of vital energy - 氣臌

stagnation of qi and blood - 氣血凝滯

stagnation of qi; stagnationofqi - 氣鬱

hypochondriac pain due to stagnation of qi - 氣鬱脅痛

stomahahe due to stagnation of qi - 氣鬱脘痛

metrorrhagia due to stagnation of qi - 氣鬱血崩

eliminate stagnated food; removing food stagnancy; removing stagnation of food; removing stagnation of qi - 消積

asthma due to stagnation of profuse phlegm - 痰哮

dispel the stagnation of liver qi - 疏洩肝氣

stagnation of phlegm in the interior - 痰濁內閉

stagnation of phlegm-dampness; stagnation of phlegmdampness - 痰濕中阻

stagnation of phlegm-dampness - 痰濕滯阻

stagnation ofphlegmdampness - 痰濕阻滯

morning sickness due to stagnation of phlegm - 痰滯惡阻

mental disorder due to stagnation of phlegm; stagnation of phlegm in the interior - 痰閉

stagnation of phlegm in the lung; the lungs obstructed by phlegm - 痰阻肺絡

stagnation of qi; stagnation of the vital energy; stagnationofqi - 痺氣

relieve the stagnation of qi with poen drugs; relieve the stagnation of qi with poten drugs - 破氣

stagnation of the liver-qi - 肝氣鬱結

sterility due to stagnation of the liver-qi - 肝氣鬱結不孕

stagnation of heat in the and the gallbladder - 肝膽鬱熱

stagnation of the liver-qi - 肝郁

the lung-energy stagnation syndrome - 肺痺

kidney-energy stagnation syndrome; obstruction of the kidney channel - 腎痺

stagnation of gastrointestinal tract - 胃腸道鬱血

lien; spleen; stagnation of the spleen-qi; the spleen - 脾

disharmony between ying and wei; stagnation of ying-qi - 營衛不和

stagnation of ying-qi - 營氣不從

breast breast; caked breast; stagnation mastitis - 蒸乳

evaporation heat; heat of vaporization; stagnation mastitis with fever - 蒸發熱

stagnation of blood - 血滯

blood stagnation type - 血滯型

amenorrhea due to stagnation og blood - 血滯經閉

abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood - 血滯腹痛

stagnation of the blood - 血瘀滯

stagnation of the blood - 血瘀阻


n.氣積 - abdominal mass due to stagnation of qi

n.血滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of blood

n.氣結腹痛;n.氣滯腹痛 - abdominal pain due to stagnation of qi

n.疏郁的方法 - access to treat stagnation

n.寒濕凝滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation of cold wetness evil

n.血滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation og blood

n.氣痺 - arthralgia due to stagnation of qi

n.痰哮 - asthma due to stagnation of profuse phlegm

n.血流淤積,血流淤滯 - blood stagnation

n.血滯型 - blood stagnation type

n.清熱導滯 - clear away heat and resolve the stagnation

n.清熱導滯 - clearing away heat and resolving stagnation

n.火郁咳嗽 - cough due to fire-evil stagnation

n.氣瀉 - diarrhea due to stagnation of qi

n.疏洩肝氣 - dispel the stagnation of liver qi

n.氣滯痛經 - dysmenorrhea due to stagnation of qi

n.火郁喘 - dyspena due to fire-evil stagnation

n.開鬱結 - elieving stagnation

n.氣痞 - flatulence due to stagnation of qi

n.熱遏,熱郁 - heat stagnation

n.氣鬱脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to stagnation of qi

n.腎痺 - kidney-energy stagnation syndrome

n.氣滯腰痛 - lumbago due to stagnation of qi

n.痰閉 - mental disorder due to stagnation of phlegm

n.氣鬱血崩 - metrorrhagia due to stagnation of qi

n.痰滯惡阻 - morning sickness due to stagnation of phlegm

n.大腸氣滯 - qi stagnation of large intestine

n.散結 - reducing the stagnation

n.破氣 - relieve the stagnation of qi with poen drugs

n.破氣 - relieve the stagnation of qi with poten drugs

n.消積 - removing stagnation of food

n.消積 - removing stagnation of qi

n.導滯 - resolving stagnation

n.肝氣鬱結不孕 - sterility due to stagnation of the liver-qi

n.氣鬱脘痛 - stomahahe due to stagnation of qi

n.肺痺 - the lung-energy stagnation syndrome

n.氣臌 - tympanites due to stagnation of vital energy

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