





Account payable turnover rate 應付賬款周轉率;to increase turnover considerably 大量增加營業額;daily turnover 日成交量;每日成交額;每日成交?;日產量,日周轉;turnover of animal herds 畜群的周轉;leek turnover 韭菜盒子;


1.Customers of the network turnover, he is also certain that the water, "is, after all, intent rather than actual turnover turnover, the Pioneer Press Baccalaureates told quite some flavor." 對於網絡團購的成交額,他認為亦有一定的水分,「畢竟是意向成交額而非實際成交額,這頗有些霧裡看花的味道。」

2.The study starts with a literature review of research on labor turnover. A method of finding out the immediate factors of turnover is proposed. 本文對研究流失的文獻進行了綜述,提出了從飯店制度角度,研究飯店員工流失原因的思路圖。

3.In 1993, Britain, France, Germany and other European countries already have 330 retail stores, its overseas turnover of total turnover accounted for 2

7. 6%. 1993年在英、法、德等歐洲國家已擁有330家零售商店,其海外營業額已佔總營業額的27.6%。

4.We wish to establish business relations with you and enlarge our turnover. 我方願與你貴公司建立業務關係並擴大成交量。

5.We appreciate your intention on endeavor to enlarge the turnover. 我們感謝貴方努力擴大交易額的意圖。


Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade. We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet all delivery dates. - 即期交貨很重要,因為這種貨流轉很快。所以我們需要你方保證及時交貨。


n. turnover bar - 倒置桿

turnover number; turnover rate; turnovernumber - 周轉率

turnover time - 更新時間

turnover rate - 更新率

turnover rate of hospital beds - 病床周轉率

n. panel turnover machine - 盤式翻轉裝置

red-cell iron turnover rate - 紅細胞鐵交換率

red blood cell iron turnover rate - 紅細胞鐵更新率

n. panel turnover machine - 翻板機

n. turnover device - 翻身器

plasma iron turnover rate - 血漿鐵轉換率

turnover number; turnovernumber - 轉換數

transformation rate; turnover rate - 轉換率


n.每日代謝量,每日周轉容量 - daily volume turnover

n.酶變換 - enzymic turnover

粒細胞更新率,粒細胞性白血病 - granulocyte turnover rate

n.無效性紅細胞鐵轉換 - ineffective red cell iron turnover

n.鐵更新率 - iron turnover

鐵交換率,鐵交替率 - iron turnover rate

n.骨髓鐵轉換 - marrow iron turnover

n.代謝轉換 - metabolic turnover

代謝更新率,新陣代謝率 - metabolic turnover rate

n.代謝更新 - metalolic turnover

磷酯酰肌醇轉變 - phosphatidylinositol turnover

P1周轉 - PI turnover

n.血漿鐵轉換 - plasma iron turnover

n.血漿鐵轉換率 - plasma iron turnover rate

n.紅細胞鐵更新率 - red blood cell iron turnover rate

n.紅細胞鐵交替,紅細胞鐵轉換 - red cell iron turnover

紅細胞鐵,紅細胞鐵交替速度 - red cell iron turnover rate

n.紅細胞鐵交換率 - red-cell iron turnover rate

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