





zone of aeration zone of suspended water 通氣層;zone of aeration zone of suspended water 通氣層;zone-by-zone production testing 逐層生產測試;zone-by-zone analysis 逐層分析;Saturated Zone and Unsaturated Zone 飽和帶與非飽和帶;


1.Safe dairy zone, cold tea, milk tea, garden stuff, coffee and other drinks zone, snack and sweet foods zone, well-known liquor zone, green and organic foods zone, and comprehensive foods zone; 安全乳品展示區,涼茶、奶茶、果蔬、咖啡等飲品專區,休閒食品及甜食專區,名酒專區,綠色及有機食品專區,食品綜合區;

2.The contact metamorphic zone can divide into rock-coke zone , coke zone, coking coal zone and natural coal zone. 接觸變質帶可進一步劃分為巖焦混雜帶、天然焦帶、焦化煤帶、正常煤帶。

3.The contact metamorphic zone may be further divided into coking coal mixing zone, natural coke zone, coking coal zone and normal coal zone. 接觸變質帶可進一步劃分為巖焦混雜帶、天然焦帶、焦化煤帶、正常煤帶。

4.The contact metamorphic zone can divide into rock-coke zone , coke zone, coking coal zone and natural coal zone. 接觸變質帶可進一步劃分為巖焦混雜帶、天然焦帶、焦化煤帶、正常煤帶。

5.The contact metamorphic zone may be further divided into coking coal mixing zone, natural coke zone, coking coal zone and normal coal zone. 接觸變質帶可進一步劃分為巖焦混雜帶、天然焦帶、焦化煤帶、正常煤帶。


The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there. - 出租車站台就在左邊轉角處。


zone fo provisional calcification - 臨界鈣化區

n. synthetic heat-affected zone test - 再現熱影響區試驗

preparative zone electrophoresis - 制備區帶電泳法

preparative zone electrophoretic separation - 制層電泳分離法

zone spreading - 區域擴展

zone broadening - 區域擴張

n. zone refining - 區域提純法

zone melting - 區域熔融

zone phenomenon - 區帶現象

ionography; zonal electrophoresis; zone electrophoresis - 區帶電泳

n. floating zone refining - 區熔提純法

n. floating zone refining - 區熔精煉法

breathing zone sampling - 呼吸帶取樣

disc gel electrophoresis; multiphasic zone electrophoresis; multiphasiczoneelectrophoresis - 圓盤凝膠電泳

multiphasic zone electrophoresis; multiphasiczoneelectrophoresis - 多相區帶電泳

n. zone of lost circulation - 失控循環區

n. shear zone of chip - 小晶片剪力帶

zone of maturation - 成熟區

osteogenic zome; zone of bone deposition - 成骨區

n. floating zone melting method - 浮動區熔解法

n. floating zone method - 浮區法

n. floating zone melting - 浮區熔化

n. heat-affected zone crack - 熱影響區裂紋

n. zone of fusion - 熔接區

zone electrophcresis - 電泳帶

moving zone centrifugation - 移動絲溶質傳遞檢測器

zone of cell multiplicaton - 細胞增生區

sensitive area along a channel; sensitive zone along a channel - 經絡敏感區

n. synthetic heat-affected zone test - 綜合熱作用區試驗

silent zone of lung - 肺沉默區

fascicular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質束狀帶

glomerular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質球狀帶

reticular zone of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質網狀帶

zone of calcified cartilage matrix - 軟骨基質鈣化區

proliferative zone of cartilage cell - 軟骨細胞繁殖區

n. interference zone of near field - 近區干涉段

n. interference zone of near field - 近場干涉區

zone of degeneration - 退化區

zone of resting cartilage - 靜止軟骨區

inner zone of medulla - 髓質內區

outer zone of medulla - 髓質外區

n. cohesive zone in a blast furnace - 鼓風爐粘合區


n.活性區 - active zone

n.急性毒作用帶 - acute toxic zone

高山帶 - alpine zone

行走區 - ambulacral zone

雄激素區帶,雄激素帶 - androgenic zone

n.抗體過剩帶,抗體過剩區 - antibody excess zone

n.抗原過剩帶,抗原過剩區 - antigen excess zone

無光區,無光帶 - aphotic zone

寒帶,北極帶 - arctic zone

n.弓形狀帶 - arcuate zone

自主性區域,獨立帶 - autonomous zone

異型移行帶 - atypical transformation zone

n.抑菌區 - bacterial inhibition zone

基礎地帶 - basal zone

交界區梗塞,邊界區梗塞 - boundary zone infarct

n.呼吸帶取樣 - breathing zone sampling

中樞化學感受區 - central chemosensitive zone

n.中央帶 - central zone

n.催吐化學感受區,化學感受器觸發區 - chemoreceptor trigger zone

n.慢性毒作用帶 - chronic toxic effect zone

n.清亮區 - clear zone

氣候帶 - climatic zone

寒帶 - cold zone

n.舒適帶 - comfort zone

丘陵帶 - colline zone

n.化合區 - combining zone

n.細胞發生帶 - cytogenic zone

n.死區域 - dead zone

放電區,放電域 - discharge zone

n.分離區 - disengaging zone

發痛區,扳機區 - dolorogenic zone

n.上腹區 - epigastric zone

致癲癇區 - epileptogenic zone

n.等當區,等價帶 - equivalence zone

性慾發生區 - erotogenic zone

n.紅斑區 - erythema zone

n.交換帶 - exchange zone

n.腎上腺皮質束狀帶 - fascicular zone of adrenal cortex

n.胎兒帶 - fetal zone

n.纖維帶 - fibrous zone

植物帶 - floral zone

n.寒帶 - frigid zone

n.熔融帶 - fusion zone

n.氣體放電區 - gas-discharge zone

n.球狀帶 - glomerular zone

n.腎上腺皮質球狀帶 - glomerular zone of adrenal cortex

n.生長區 - growing zone

n.海德氏帶 - heads zone

痔帶,肛靜脈叢 - hemorrhoidal zone

草本帶 - herb zone

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