n. lapplander ,saame ,saami ,same
lappsn. 拉普人(北歐)
1.The Lapps who live here off fishing and reindeer herding have done an admirable job of retaining their distinctive culture. 居住在這裡的拉普蘭人依靠打魚和放牧馴鹿為生,並絕妙地保存了他們獨特的傳統文化。
2.The people who are the very best at getting around with sleighs are the Sami (called Lapps in other languages), and the Sami use reindeer to pull their sleighs. 薩米(在別的語言中稱為拉普人)是最擅長於用雪橇的人。
3.Far away in the frozen lands beyond the northern forests the Lapps, a Mongolian people, had drifted westward as far as Lapland, but they played no part in the main current of history. 在北部森林那邊遙遠的凍土上,拉普人(屬於蒙古民族)一再向西遷移,最後到達拉普蘭,不過他們對歷史主流毫無影響。