





n. come ,germ ,seeded player ,sourcev. sough ,sow


seed[si:d]n. 種子;根據;精液;萌芽;子孫;原由vt. 播種;結實;成熟;去…籽vi. 播種;(植物)結實


seed 種子;種子數;隨機數;初值;lotus seed 蓮子;蓮籽;純正金黃蓮蓉;釋義:蓮子;rape seed 油菜籽;菜籽;白菜型油菜;植的油麻菜仔;Areca Seed 檳榔;檳榔粉末;釋義:檳榔;Cowherb Seed 王不留行;王不留行粉末;釋義:王不留行;

seed的參考例句 seed haw before canning 製成罐頭前,先把山楂的核去掉

2.The seed of the rape plant. '油菜籽'。''油菜類植物的果實。

3.Tree propagate themselves by seed. 樹木藉著種子繁殖。


Of evil grain,no good seed can come. - 壞谷無好種。

Thought is the seed of action. - 思想是行動的種子。

The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. - 飛機把這種草籽大量地撒播在地上。

The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. - 飛機撒播近一個月後,開始下起雨來。

When the news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema by the P.and U.Bird Seed Company, - 當「皮尤」鳥食公司將在我們當地影院演出喜劇節目的消息傳開後,

but what he actually said was: 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company.Good ladies, evening and gentlemen! - 「這是『浦伊』鳥食公司,好女士們,晚上和先生們!」

You see, I put some soil in the box, sow the seed carefully like this, and then cover it with more soil. - 你瞧,我在盒子裡放些泥土,像這樣小心地把種子播下,然後再用多一點兒的土蓋住種子。

That's good. I think I'll sow my carrot seed tomorrow. - 好呀,我想明天播胡蘿蔔種。


benincasa seed; chinese waxgourd seed; seed of chinese waxgourd - 冬瓜子

seed of chigma abutilon - 冬葵子

outer seed coat; testa - 外種皮

hemp seed oil; hempseed oil - 大麻子油

inoculating crystal; seed crystal - 晶種

due to radon;gold seed implants - 氡或金種子植入誘發的放射性白內障

seed of mongolian snakegourd - 瓜萎子

mustard seed moxibustion - 白芥子灸

seed disinfectant - 種子消毒劑

seed coat - 種皮

seed crystal - 籽晶

castor seed moxibustion - 蓖麻子灸

seed of gordon euryale - 芡實

seed of chigma abutilon - 苘麻子

lotus seed pot-like scrofula - 蓮子疬

lotus seed pot-like infection - 蓮蓬子發

seed of spine date; wild or spiny jujuba seed - 酸棗仁

seed of ferther cockscomb - 青箱子


n.有胚乳種子 - albuminous seed

n.柏子仁 - arboruitae seed

n.柏子仁 - arborvitae seed

大腹 - Areca dicksonii seed

n.冬瓜子 - benincasa seed

n.苦杏仁 - bitter apricot seed

n.黑芝麻 - black sesame seed

n.胖大海 - boat-fruited sterculia seed

育種種 - breeder's seed

n.郁李仁 - bush-cherry seed

n.苦石蓮 - caesalpinia seed

n.馬檳榔 - caper seed

豆蔻子,豆蔻種子 - cardamom seed

n.決明子 - cassia seed

n.蓖麻子 - castor seed

n.蓖麻子灸 - castor seed moxibustion

n.大楓子 - chaulmoogra seed

n.榧子 - chinese torreya seed

n.冬瓜子 - chinese waxgourd seed

n.木腰子 - climbing entada seed

秋水仙屬種子 - colchicum seed

n.玉蜀黍 - corn seed

n.棉籽 - cotton seed

棉籽油 - cotton seed oil

n.巴豆 - croton seed

n.巴豆霜 - defattde powder of croton seed

休眠種子 - dormant seed

n.氡或金種子植入誘發的放射性白內障 - due to radon/gold seed implants

無胚乳種子 - exalbuminous seed

外種皮 - external seed coat

n.黑種草子 - fennel flower seed

n.胡蘆巴 - fenugreek seed

n.青葙子 - feather cockscomb seed

n.沙苑子 - flasem milkvetch seed

n.亞麻子 - flax seed

基礎種 - foundation seed

n.白果仁 - ginkgo seed

硬籽,硬粒 - hard seed

n.大麻仁 - hashish seed

n.火麻仁 - hemp seed

n.大麻子油 - hemp seed oil

n.天仙子 - henbane seed

n.蜀葵子 - hollyhock seed

n.大楓子 - hydnocapus seed

大風子 - Hydnocarpus anthelmintica seed

內種膜 - internal seed coat

日本醫學局 - Japanese apricot seed

杜松 - Juniperus seed

n.荔枝核 - litchi seed

n.蓮子 - lotus seed

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