





n. aroma ,feel ,odor ,olfaction


smell[smel]vi. 嗅,聞;有…氣味vt. 嗅,聞;察覺到;發出…的氣味n. 氣味,嗅覺;臭味


smell 氣味;嗅覺;乏味,實味;嗅,聞到;distinctive smell 特有氣味;特有氣味 機電工程;smell prism 嗅覺稜柱體;Fearful Smell 可怕的味道;acid smell 酸臭味;酸臭氣;酸氣味;


1.The tiger smelled the meat and went away. 老虎聞了聞那塊肉,然後走開了。

2.I know you well, I know your smell. 我想我太瞭解你,太熟悉你的味道。

3.You should go out to smell the flower. 你該出去聞聞花香,當然是放鬆了!


To smell the flowers. - 去輕鬆一下。

but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers. - 我正利用一點時間輕鬆一下。

Umm ... smell that coffee ... cinnamon and cloves. - 呀……你聞一聞咖啡……一股肉桂和丁香的香味。

Don't the flowers smell wonderful? - 花兒聞起來好香, 不是嗎?

Ah, it does smell sweet. - 噢, 它們確實很香。

They smell wonderful. - 聞起來很香。

I hate animals, they smell and they're noisy. - 我討厭動物,它們很臭而且很吵。

Say, do you smell something burning in the kitchen? - 喏,你有沒有聞到廚房裡有燒焦的味道呀?

Ellen liked to smell her mother's cooking, when she came home. - 艾倫回到家來,喜歡聞一聞母親做的菜。

At times, the smell from the gutter can be rank. - 從下水溝時常冒出刺鼻的氣味。

Does Sany like the smell of wine? - 仙尼喜歡酒味嗎?

Please don't make a smell in the house with your cigar. - 請不要在屋子裡散佈雪茄的氣味吧。

The leftover food began to smell bad. - 剩飯開始發臭了。

Doesn't that garbage smell nasty? - 你沒有聞到那垃圾有股怪異的氣味?

Wake up and smell the coffee! - 面對現實吧!

The best fish smell when they are three days old. - 魚過三天後,再鮮也變臭。

I smelled a smell of cooking. - 我聞到了燒菜做飯的味道。

He was greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him that I was telling the truth. - 一股怪味襲來,使他相信了我說的真話。

If you expressed doubt or surprise, he would immediately invite you to smell it and then to rub some into your skin. - 如果你表示懷疑或驚奇,他會立即請你聞一聞,然後取出一些抹在你的皮膚上。

I feel a little afraid, said Kate. I'm sure I can smell something. - 「我感到有點害怕,」凱特說。「我敢肯定我覺察到什麼了。」

It must have been a gas that could burn but that would not explode, a gas that did not smell strong, and a gas that did not kill people. - 它一定是一種能夠燃燒而不能爆炸的氣體,一種味道不很強的而且不使人致死的氣體。


smelling method; taking a smell of the patient - 嗅氣味

salty smell of drugs - 藥材的鹹味

smell of putrid egg - 臭蛋味


n.令人作嘔的氣味 - a disgustful smell

n.穢臭 - a fetid smell

n.嗅覺靈敏 - a keen sense of smell

n.開胃口的香味 - an appetizing smell

n.惡臭味 - foul smell

n.令人不快的氣味 - offensive smell

n.刺激臭 - pungent smell

惡臭味 - putrid smell

n.藥材的鹹味 - salty smell of drugs

n.嗅覺同一反應 - single non-discrimination of smell

n.嗅氣味 - taking a smell of the patient

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