ALabbr. 美國聯盟(American League);美國軍團(American Legion);阿爾巴尼亞(Albania,歐洲一國家名);美國亞拉巴馬州(Alabama)
Al 鋁;阿爾巴尼亞;急性白血病;自動音量調整;Al Horford 霍福德;霍弗德;艾爾-霍福德;霍夫德;Uncle Al 埃爾叔叔;艾爾叔叔;帕爾叔叔;叔叔;Al Green 格林;艾爾格林;艾爾·格林;阿爾 格林;Al Thornton 艾爾-索頓;阿爾-索頓;華盛頓奇才;阿爾·索頓;
1.Source: National Bureau of Statistics et al, China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry (2005). 資料來源:國家統計局等編,《中國高技術產業統計年鑒》2005年。
2.Al last, the results of the simulation show that the ship course can be properly controlled when changeable wind and wave exist. 最終的仿真結果表明,當存在風浪干擾海況下,船舶航向的拉制仍能取得令人滿意的效果。
3.The results showed that pulse current can enlarge equiaxed crystal area, narrow columnar crystal area and refine crystal pure Al ingot. 結果表明:脈衝電流能夠擴大純鋁鑄錠的等軸晶區、縮小柱狀晶區,並使晶粒尺寸細化。
Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbors, vehicles of al kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in - 夏天嗚嗚作響的割草機,公寓樓裡深夜聚會的喧嘩聲,大聲吵鬧的鄰居,各式各樣的車輛,特別是穿越寂靜的村莊的集裝箱卡車,從頭頂飛過的飛機和直升機,被帶到公共場所、音量開到最大的大功率收音機。
She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. - 她從錢包裡摸出一張紙條,那上面有她父親對這次旅行詳細說明,她把這張紙條交給了搬運工。
late puerper al hemorrhage - 晚期產後出血
n.晚期產後出血 - late puerper al hemorrhage