





decoction[di'kɔkʃən]n. 煎煮;煎熬的藥;煮出的汁


Decoction 湯劑;煎煮;煎劑;煎熬的藥;Decoction method 煮沸法;煎法;Xiexin Decoction 瀉心湯;decoction pieces 飲片;aconiti decoction 釋義:烏頭湯;


1.Objective: To study the constituents in sediment of Decoction Pulsatilla. 目的:對白頭翁湯沉澱的化學成分進行研究。

2.Conclusion: jingyaotong I decoction is an effective method to relieve pain symptom in lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion. 結論:頸腰痛Ⅰ號方是一種緩解腰椎間盤突出症疼痛症狀有效的方法。

3.Objective To probe the effect of Liucao Erling Decoction in treatment of the acute jaundice viral hepatitis by comparison and its mechanism of effect. 目的對六草二苓湯治療急性黃疸型病毒性肝炎的療效進行對比臨床研究,並探討其作用機制。


decoction of three rude drugs - 三拗湯

decoction to be taken at any time - 不拘時服

powder decoction of peel of five drugs; wupi san - 五皮散

be taken cool; decoction to be taken cool - 冷服

decoction of a wrapped drug - 包煎

decoction of cimicfuge and pueraria; decoction of cimicifuge and pueraria - 升麻葛根湯

decoction of four noble drugs - 四君子湯

Decoction of Peach Kernel for Activating Qi - 桃仁承氣湯

decoction of peach kernel for activating qi; taohe chengqi tang - 桃核承氣湯

drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm - 湯劑一般是溫服

decoction for warming channels - 溫經湯

decoction for warming spleen - 溫脾湯

decoction of prepared licorice - 灸甘草湯

decoction to be taken hot; to e taken hot - 熱服

decoction made fome powder; decoction made from powder - 煮散

decoction made from pwder; dococt medicinal herbs - 煮藥

decoction for postpartum troubles - 生化湯

decoction for strengthening the spleen-yang; uzhen wu tang - 真武湯

atranguria marked by chyluria; decoction for chyluria; stranguria marked by chyluria - 膏淋

decoction for relieving edema - 越婢湯

decoction of five drus - 黃芪桂枝五物湯


n.湯頭 - a prescription for a medical decoction

n.附子湯 - Aconite Decoction

n.煎 - another name for decoction

n.清瘟敗毒飲 - antipyretic and antitoxic decoction

n.驅蛔湯 - ascarid-expellig decoction

n.驅絛湯 - cestode-expelling decoction

n.香柿蒂湯 - cloves and kaki calyx decoction

n.藥渣子 - dregs of a decoction

n.藥渣 - dregs of decoction

n.湯劑一般是溫服 - drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm

n.薑湯 - ginger decoction

n.玉女煎 - gypsum decoction

n.飲片 - herbal pieces prepared for decoction

n.百合湯 - lily decoction

n.大秦艽湯 - major gentian decoction

n.大青龍湯 - major green dragon decoction

n.白頭翁湯物的刺激性 - Modified Pulsatilla Decoction

n.竹葉石膏湯 - ophatherum and gypsum decoction

n.五皮散 - powder decoction of peel of five drugs

n.膽道排石湯 - stone expelling decoction

n.右歸飲 - the kidney-yang reinforing decoction

n.二陳湯 - two old drugs decoction

n.用中藥燙洗 - wash the affected part with hot herbal decoction

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