break-even[,breik'i:vən]adj. 收支平衡的
break-even 收支相抵;損益兩平;不虧不盈,收支相抵;收支平衡的;break-even volume 盈虧平衡產量;損益分界業務量,損益平衡業務量;收支平衡的產量;break-even chart 營業平衡圖;損益平衡圖;盈虧平衡圖;損益分界圖表,損益平衡圖表;break-even model 盈虧平衡模型;Break-Even Charts 盈虧平衡圖;兩平圖表;
1.China on oil, is currently refining its business break-even point with the United States has time yesterday, futures prices have coincidence. 就中國石油而言,目前其煉油業務盈虧平衡點也已經與美國時間昨天的期貨油價有所重合。
2.Prices based on cost are a popular alternative. The two most widely used types of cost-based pricing are break-even analysis pricing and cost-plus pricing. 以成本為基礎的價格是一種普遍的選擇方式。兩種最廣泛運用的以成本為基礎的訂價方法是均衡分析法和成本加價法。
3.We will show you how to use sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation to identify crucial assumptions and to explore what can go wrong. 我們將會向你展示如何運用敏感性分析、盈虧平衡分析和蒙特卡羅模擬來識別關鍵的假設和探究什麼可能會出錯。