1.TaiLu Town is subordinate to LianJiang County, lies in HuangQi peninsula, which towards the sea except west direction, to abut on FuZhou about 50 kilometers which is the utmost town. 連江縣苔菉鎮位於連江黃岐半島,東、南、北三面臨海,陸路與省會福州相距50公里,是距離縣城最遠的鄉村小鎮。
2.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of "Gancao Fenmi Decoction" and "Huangqi Injection" in treating leukopenia. 目的觀察甘草粉蜜湯合黃芪注射液治療白細胞減少症的臨床療效。
3.Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of Huangqi Paishi decoction to treat renal lithiasis. 目的:觀察黃芪排石湯對腎結石的治療效果。
4.Objective:To observe the therapeutic result of Aidi injection(Ginseng, Huangqi, Ciwujia, Banmao, etc)cooperate with chemotherapy in curing later period gastrointestinal malignance. 目的:觀察艾迪注射液配合化療藥物治療晚期胃腸道惡性腫瘤的療效。
5.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. 吃中草藥黨參和黃芪對這(陰虛者)有好處。