





expending social labor for the production of social use value 社會勞動力耗費於社會使用價值生產;Social inequities of the past are rapidly giving way to expanded social consciousness 過去社會的不公平正在被擴大的社會覺悟迅速取代。;Social Survey and Social Statistics 社會調查與社會統計;expending social labor for the production of social use value 社會勞動力耗費於社會使用價值生產;social phenomenon or social reality 一種客觀的社會現象;


1.The social functions of prediction consciousness mainly consist in its social prediction, social reform, social creation and social value. 社會預見功能、社會改造功能、社會創造功能和社會價值功能是超前意識社會功能的主要表現。

2.Core courses: Introduction of Social Work, Case Work, Group Work, Community Work, Social Work Administration, Conspectus of Social Security, Social Welfare Thought and Social Policy. 主要課程:社會工作導論、個案工作、小組工作、社區工作、社會工作行政、社會保障概論、社會福利思想、社會政策。

3.Social technology is a practical knowledge system by which people reform social world, adjust social relationship and control social operation. 社會技術是人們改造社會世界、調整社會關係、控制社會運行的實踐性知識體系。

4.Social technology is a practical knowledge system by which people reform social world, adjust social relationship and control social operation. 社會技術是人們改造社會世界、調整社會關係、控制社會運行的實踐性知識體系。

5.Social stratification is longitudinal study to social structure, also important premise to analysis of social relationship and social action. 社會分層是對社會結構的縱向探究,也是解析社會關係與社會行動的重要前提。


The only-child generation brings about many new social problems. - 獨生子女一代帶來了許多新的社會問題。

Lacks social skills. - 缺乏社交能力。

I'm not accustomed to that kind of social situation. - 我不太習慣那種社交場合。

Who is a social worker for the City of Los Angeles. - 她是洛杉磯市政府的社會工作者。

All she cares about is her social life. - 她關心的只是她的社交活動。

Her social life got in the way of her studies. - 她的社交活動妨礙了自己學業。

Kindness is the sunshine of social life. - 仁慈是社會生活中的陽光。

They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. - 他們不顧社會習俗,意識不到自己所作所為有什麼特殊之處。

The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. - 斯堪的納維亞半島各國實行開明的社會政策,受到全世界的推崇。

They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. - 他們不熱衷於向上爬,也不一味追求物質享受。

When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously, - 當一個人認真地研究自發形成的社會秩序時,

There is no social problem it is more incumbent upon us to understand than this of the role of custom. - 而沒有任何一個社會問題比得上風俗的作用問題更要求我們對它理解。

or of the habits of the social insects, let us say. - 和昆蟲群居的習性

It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation, that of Western civilization. - 只是在對人類自身的研究中,各主要的社會學科才用對一個局部地區各種情況的研究(如對西方文明的研究)來代替對全人類的研究。


social adequacy index - 社交夠用指數

social insurance - 社會保險

social history - 社會史

social factors - 社會因素

social psychology - 社會心理學

social psychotherapy - 社會心理治療

social insect - 社會性昆蟲

social behaviour - 社會性行為

social environment - 社會環境

social psychiatry - 社會精神病學

social breakown syndrome - 社會衰退綜合征

social darwinism - 社會達爾文主義

social isolation - 社會隔離


醫療社會事業 - medical social work

醫學社會工作者,醫療社會工業者 - medical social worker

社會責任醫療協會 - Physicians for Social Responsibility

精神醫學社會工作者 - psychiatric social work

精神醫學社會工作者 - psychiatric social worker

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