





collect donations 募捐;collect alms 募化;collect antiques 收藏 古董;收藏 [收藏] 古董;collect 收集;合併同類項;收集彙集;彙集;freight collect 運貨由提貨人交付;運費到付;到付;運費待收;


1.Collect fees in these 20 in the project, 6 collect fees the project is collect fees inconsequently project, year collect fees the forehead is 1158 yuan. 在這20個收費項目中,6個收費項目為不合理的收費項目,年收費額為1158元。

2.Normally, the object that collect must be boondoggle, craft must complex, admire without what otherwise, collect value. 通常,收藏的對象必須是手工品,工藝必須複雜,否則就沒有什麼欣賞、收藏價值。

3.It works like this: A caller dials a number like 1-800-COLLECT to make a collect call but misspells the word or hits an incorrect button. 這種騙術的過程是:打電話者撥了如1-800-COLLECT的號,以便打一個受話方付費的電話,但是卻把這個詞拼錯了或按的某一個鈕不正確。

4.The system can not only collect analog signals but also communication with PC and send sampling data to PC to achieve current collect process store and display of experiment data. 本系統不僅可以採集模擬信號,而且可以與PC機通信,將採樣數據送入PC機中,從而實現實驗數據實時採集、處理、存儲和顯示。

5."It is better for agents to lend less and collect more than to lend more and collect less, " says Christopher Rodrigues, IPF's chairman. 國際個人金融(IPF)的董事長克裡斯托夫


and collect the furniture we need. - 募集我們需要的傢俱。

I'd like to make an overseas call to Taibei, Taiwan by collect call. - 我要打對方付費的電話到台灣的台北。

The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. - 海盜們過去常把金子埋藏在那個洞裡,可後來卻沒能取走。

For years he has been asking me to collect snails from my garden and take them to him. - 多年來,他一直讓我把我園子裡的蝸牛收集起來給他捎去。

We are trying to collect money for a wildlife project. - 我們正在設法募集資金搞一個野生動物項目。

That sounds very interesting. How long will it take you to collect enough money? - 聽起來倒是挺有趣的。你要花多長時間才能籌集到足夠的資金呢?


collect when the flower is in full blossom - 花開時采收

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