





a. atoxic ,nontoxic


toxic['tɔksik]adj. 有毒的;中毒的


toxic 有毒的;中毒;有毒;有毒的,毒的;toxic emission 廢氣排放;toxic peptides 毒肽類;毒 類;toxic dose 中毒量;中毒劑量;中毒(劑)量;釋義:中毒劑量,毒物劑量;toxic chemical 有毒化學品;化學戰劑;有毒化學品 環境保護;釋義:毒性化學藥品;


1.Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心處理有毒的化學藥品。

2.These dolphins and whales are also toxic unto earth. 這些海豚鯨魚對地球也是有毒的。

3.Doctors also warn us of nicotine, tar, and many other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. 醫生也警告我們,香煙含有尼古丁、焦油以及許多其他有毒的物質。


and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, - 和陰暗狹窄的街道組成


toxic dose - 中毒劑量

toxic reaction - 中毒反應

toxic type - 中毒型

toxic epidermal necrolysis - 中毒性上皮壞死溶解

toxic shock - 中毒性休克

toxic cataract - 中毒性內障

toxic peripheral neuritis - 中毒性周圍神經炎

toxic polyneuritis - 中毒性多發性神經炎

toxic amblyopia - 中毒性弱視

toxic myocarditis - 中毒性心肌炎

toxic goiter - 中毒性甲狀腺腫

toxic dysentery - 中毒性痢疾

toxic dementia - 中毒性癡呆

toxic neuritis - 中毒性神經炎

toxic neurasthenic syndrome - 中毒性神經衰弱綜合征

toxic psychosis - 中毒性精神病

toxic colonic dilatation - 中毒性結腸擴張

toxic deafness - 中毒性聾

toxic myopathy - 中毒性肌病

toxic myoneural disorder - 中毒性肌神經障礙

toxic hepatic damage - 中毒性肝損害

toxic hepatitis; toxipathic hepatitis - 中毒性肝炎

toxic hepatic disease; toxic hepatopathy - 中毒性肝病

toxic cirrhosis of liver - 中毒性肝硬化

toxic enteroparalysis; toxical paralytic ileus - 中毒性腸麻痺

toxic pulmonary edema - 中毒性肺水腫

toxic pneumonia; toxic pneumonitis - 中毒性肺炎

toxic nephrosis - 中毒性腎變病

toxic nephritis - 中毒性腎炎

toxic dilatation of stomach - 中毒性胃擴張

toxic encephalitis - 中毒性腦炎

encephalopathia toxica; tonic encephaplopthy; toxic encephalopathy - 中毒性腦病

toxic hydrocephalus - 中毒性腦積水

toxic encephalomyelopathy - 中毒性腦脊髓病

toxic bacillary dysentery - 中毒性菌痢

toxic epidermal necrolysis - 中毒性表皮壞死溶解

toxic anemia - 中毒性貧血

toxic labyrinthitis - 中毒性迷路炎

toxic granules - 中毒性顆粒

toxic labyrinthitis - 中毒性麻疹

toxic jaundice - 中毒性黃疸

toxic dose - 中毒量

general toxic poisoning - 全身中毒性毒劑中毒

systemic toxic action - 全身毒作用

systemic toxic symptoms - 全身毒性症狀

lowest published toxic dose - 公佈的最低中毒劑量

toxic glycoside of cycas - 鳳尾草毒甘

extremely toxic substance - 劇毒物質

median toxic dose - 半數中毒量

graves disease; gravesdisease; struma basedowificata; toxic goiter - 巴塞多化甲狀腺腫


n.急性中毒性腦病 - acute toxic encephalopathy

n.急性毒性症狀 - acute toxic symptoms

n.急性毒作用帶 - acute toxic zone

n.食物中毒性白細胞缺乏症 - alimentary toxic aleukia

中毒死例 - case of toxic death

n.慢性毒作用帶 - chronic toxic effect zone

n.纖毛蟲毒劑 - ciliate toxic agent

n.清熱解毒 - clearing away heat and toxic material

n.攻毒 - counteracting toxic

n.攻毒 - counteracting toxic substances

n.熱毒型皮炎 - dermatitis of toxic type

n.攻毒 - eliminating toxic material

n.劇毒物質 - extremely toxic substance

n.全身中毒性毒劑中毒 - general toxic poisoning

n.高毒性的 - highly toxic

n.高毒物質 - highly toxic substance

n.毒物衛生標準 - hygienic standard for toxic substances

n.無名腫毒 - innominate toxic swelling

n.清熱解毒 - learing away heat and toxic material

n.頒布的最低毒物濃度 - lowest published toxic concent

n.頒布的最低毒物濃度 - lowest published toxic concent頒布的最低毒物濃度

n.公佈的最低中毒劑量 - lowest published toxic dose

n.毒作用機理 - mechansim off toxic effect

n.半數中毒量 - median toxic dose

n.無毒的 - non toxic

n.毒物限量 - qualifying toxic dose

n.清熱解毒 - remove toxic heat

n.殘毒量 - residual toxic dose

n.有小毒 - shghtly toxic

n.有小毒 - slightly poisonous or slightly toxic

n.有小毒 - slightly toxic

n.金黃色葡萄球菌性中毒性表皮壞死 - staphylococal toxic epidermal necrolysis

n.全身毒作用 - systemic toxic action

n.全身毒性症狀 - systemic toxic symptoms

n.結核毒性反應 - tuberculous toxic reaction

n.有大毒 - very toxic

n.有大毒 - very toxic or extremely poisonous


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